Neutron Star Science with the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (13-ERD-033)
Radiochemical Measurements of Nuclear Reactions at the National Ignition Facility (13-ERD-036)
Complex Electronic Structure of Rare Earth Activators in Scintillators (13-ERD-038)
Hard X-Ray Mirrors for Nuclear Security (13-ERD-048)
Why Is Nuclear Matter So Red? (13-LW-003)
Nuclear Fission in a Plasma (14-ERD-034)
Improving Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Next-Generation Nuclear Forensics (14-ERD-082)
The World's Lowest Nuclear State in Thorium-299m (14-LW-073)
Solving the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly (14-LW-087)
Answering Fundamental Physics Questions with the Neutrino (15-ERD-014)
Neutrino Science with a Kiloton-Scale Water Detector (15-ERD-021)
Tracking Water through the Critical Zone to Assess Drought Vulnerability (15-ERD-042)
New Physics from Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (15-ERD-062)
Capture Cross Sections for Isotopes Far from Stability (15-ERD-069)