Lara Leininger
Executive Summary
The goal of this field-expanding research is to develop and employ diagnostics capturing, quantifying, and characterizing the temperature and chemistry of high explosives in situ during reaction to gain necessary data to create a unified, predictive, computational model. The results will dramatically impact stockpile stewardship activities and nuclear weapons detection and interdiction technologies for non-proliferation and counterterrorism.
Publications and Presentations
Bassett, W. P., et al. 2018. "Shock Initiation Under the Microscope." LLNL-PRES-754185.
Bassett, W. P., et al. 2018. "Using Shock Compression Microscopy for Measurements of Detonative and Sub-Detonative Dynamics in PBXs." 16th International Detonation Symposium, Cambridge, MD, July 2018. LLNL-PROC-754186.
Gregor, M. C., et al. 2018. "The Hugoniot of TATB Shock Compressed to 80 GPa." LLNL-POST-754247.
——— . 2018. "The Hugoniot of TATB Shock Compressed to 100 GPa." Gordon Research Conference, Research at High Pressure. LLNL-ABS-754242.
——— . 2018. "The Shock Response of Energetic Materials Undergoing Reaction." Omega Laser Facility Users Group Workshop. LLNL-ABS-748386, LLNL-POST-749719.
Kroonblawd, M. P. 2018. "Towards Predictive Modeling of Molecular Materials at Extremes: Critical Insights from Atomistics for Understanding Shocks and Transport." LLNL-ABS-757503, LLNL-PRES-759424.
Willey, T. M. 2018. "New Frontiers in Experimentally Observing Detonation Properties." Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics. LLNL-JRNL-758736.