The LDRD annual report for fiscal year 2015 (FY15) provides a summary of LDRD-funded projects for the fiscal year and consists of two parts:
Overview: A broad description of the LDRD Program, highlights of accomplishments and awards for the year, program statistics, and the LDRD portfolio-management process.
Project Summaries and Final Reports: A summary or final report for each project, submitted by the principal investigator. Project summaries include the scope, motivation, goals, relevance to DOE/NNSA and LLNL mission areas, the technical progress achieved in FY15, and a list of selected publications and presentations that resulted from the research. For projects that concluded in FY15, a more detailed final technical report is provided that includes background and research objectives, the scientific approach and accomplishments, and impacts on the Laboratory missions. Project articles for the annual report are organized in sections by research category (in alphabetical order). Within each research category, projects appear by year for the various project categories including Exploratory Research (ER), Feasibility Study (FS), Laboratory-Wide Competition (LW), and Strategic Initiative (SI). Each project is assigned a unique tracking code, an identifier that consists of three elements. The first is the fiscal year the project began, the second represents the project category, and the third identifies the serial number of the project for that fiscal year. For example, 15-ERD-100 means the project began in FY15 and falls in the ER project category. The three-digit number (100) represents the serial number for this project.