Thermal Management of High-Heat-Flux Laser Diodes Using Liquid–Vapor Phase Change (14-ERD-040)
Real-Time Adaptive X-Ray Optics (14-ERD-056)
Short-Wavelength, High-Power Fiber Laser Sources (14-ERD-078)
Revisiting Phase-Locking Laser Diode Arrays (15-ERD-009)
Single-Shot Optical Recorder with Picosecond Resolution and Nanosecond Record Length (15-ERD-055)
Photonic Processors for High-Fidelity Diagnostics (15-ERD-056)
Next-Generation Films for High-Performance Optoelectronics Applications (15-ERD-057)
Compton-Scattering X-Ray Generation from Compact X-Band Accelerators (15-ERD-067)
Active Adaptive Control of High-Energy, High-Repetition-Rate, Short-Pulse Lasers (16-ERD-038)
HDRScope—The High Dynamic-Range Oscilloscope (16-ERD-045)
A New Architectural Approach for Diode-Pumped Advective-Cooling Gas Lasers (16-ERD-048)
Laser Beam Propagation Through Deep Turbulence (16-ERD-049)
Improved Coupling of Laser Energy to Targets (16-FS-006)
Ultrahigh Brightness Quantum-Controlled Electron Beams (16-FS-043)
Extreme Nonlinear Optics of Plasmas (16-LW-022)
Fabrication of Functionally Graded Optical Components Using Additive Manufacturing (16-SI-003)