Alignment with DOE, NNSA, and Laboratory Missions

Aligning LDRD projects with DOE, NNSA, and Laboratory missions begins with a process to set institutional goals at the Laboratory level by identifying (a) mission-related areas for focal research, (b) the core competencies that support this research, (c) the scientific and technological needs within the areas and the competencies involved, and (d) key topics in fundamental research. Published as the Investment Strategy for Science, Technology, and Engineering,1 this living document is overseen by multidisciplinary teams under the guidance of the deputy director for science and technology and is revised annually to respond to evolving mission needs. This document sets the strategic context for the annual LDRD calls for proposals. Other context-defining publications include the DOE's Strategic Plan, 2014–2018 and the NNSA's Enterprise Strategic Vision, August 2015.

At the programmatic level, LDRD portfolio management at Livermore is structured to guarantee alignment with DOE, NNSA, and Laboratory missions. The structure involves

  • calls for proposals that underscore the requirement that projects align with DOE/NNSA missions,
  • guidance to prospective applicants on how to work with the aforementioned publications to address DOE/NNSA mission needs in their proposals, and
  • a peer-review process for strategic relevance and technical content to select the highest-quality LDRD portfolio from these proposals.

By adhering to the guidance of key documents and the program's portfolio management structure, the Laboratory's 2018 LDRD program strongly supported DOE/NNSA goals in nuclear and national security and scientific discovery and innovation, as in years past.

1. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, internal document, Investment Strategy for Science, Technology, and Engineering, January 1, 2019. LLNL-MI-743840.