N. Anders Petersson | 20-ERD-028
Executive Summary
To address one of the fundamental challenges in quantum computing, we will develop a massively parallel solver that will finally enable control over the quantum states of a device. Developing this technology will accelerate the realization of practical high-performance quantum computing technologies and will help position the United States as a world leader in the emerging fields of quantum sensing, control, and scientific quantum computing.
Publications, Presentations, and Patents
Garcia, F. M., et al. 2020. "JuQBox: A Quantum Optimal Control Toolbox In Julia." IEEE Supercomputing 20 (SC 20): First International Workshop on Quantum Computing Software (online), November 2020. LLNL-ABS-814051
Guenther, S., et al. 2020. "Quandary: Numerical Optimal Control for Open Quantum Systems." IEEE Supercomputing 20 (SC 20): International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (online), November 2020. LLNL-ABS-814049
Petersson, N. A. 2020. "Discrete Adjoints for Accurate Numerical Optimization with Application to Quantum Control." Journal of Computational Physics arXiv:2001.01013v2. LLNL-JRNL-800457
Petersson, N. A., et al. 2020a. "Constructing Parsimonious Control Functions Using B-Splines with Carrier Waves." American Physical Society Annual Meeting (cancelled), March 2020. LLNL-ABS-795455
——— 2020b. "Scalable Quantum Optimal Control Progress Update." LLNL presentation. LLNL-PRES-811303