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LDRD Annual Report
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Program Overview
Project Highlights
Program Overview
Project Highlights
Program Overview
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
Bioscience and Bioengineering
Chemical and Biological Countermeasures
Cybersecurity and Cyber–Physical Resilience
Directed Energy
Earth and Atmospheric Science
Energy and Resource Security
High-Energy-Density Science
High-Explosives Physics, Chemistry, and Material Science
High-Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
Nuclear Threat Reduction
Nuclear Weapons Science
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science & Technology
Quantum Science and Technology
Space Security
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Research Categories
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
Bioscience and Bioengineering
Chemical and Biological Countermeasures
Cybersecurity and Cyber–Physical Resilience
Directed Energy
Earth and Atmospheric Science
Energy and Resource Security
High-Energy-Density Science
High-Explosives Physics, Chemistry, and Material Science
High-Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science & Technology
Nuclear Threat Reduction
Nuclear Weapons Science
Space Security
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
Bioscience and Bioengineering
Chemical and Biological Countermeasures
Cybersecurity and Cyber–Physical Resilience
Directed Energy
Earth and Atmospheric Science
Energy and Resource Security
Forensic Science
High-Energy-Density Science
High-Explosives Physics, Chemistry, and Material Science
High-Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science & Technology
Nuclear Threat Reduction
Nuclear Weapons Science
Space Security
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
Bioscience and Bioengineering
Chemical and Biological Security
Cyber Security, Space, and Intelligence
Earth and Atmospheric Science
Energy and Climate Security
High-Energy-Density Science
High-Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
Inertial Fusion Science and Technology
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science and Technology
Stockpile Stewardship Science
Director’s Statement
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
Bioscience and Bioengineering
Chemical and Biological Security
Cyber Security, Space, and Intelligence
Earth and Atmospheric Science
Energy and Climate Security
High-Energy-Density Science
High-Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
Inertial Fusion Science and Technology
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science and Technology
Stockpile Stewardship Science
Science and Technology on a Mission
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
Bioscience and Bioengineering
Chemical and Biological Security
Cyber Security, Space, and Intelligence
Energy and Climate Security
High-Energy-Density Science
High-Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
Inertial Fusion Science and Technology
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science and Technology
Stockpile Stewardship Science
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Program Overview
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
Bioscience and Bioengineering
Chemical and Biological Countermeasures
Cybersecurity and Cyber–Physical Resilience
Directed Energy
Earth and Atmospheric Science
Energy and Resource Security
Forensic Science
High-Energy-Density Science
High-Explosives Physics, Chemistry, and Material Science
High-Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
Exploratory Research
Feasibility Studies
Agile, Compact Monolithic Beam Director
Plasmonic Control of Short Pulses in Optical Fibers
Lab-Wide Competitions
Strategic Initiative
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science & Technology
Nuclear Threat Reduction
Nuclear Weapons Science
Space Security
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Doing Business
Report Archives
LDRD Annual Report FY2018
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
Feasibility Studies
Feasibility Studies
Program Overview
Program Description
Program Value
Program Accomplishments
Program Overview
Program Accomplishments
Program Description
Program Value
Project Highlights
Accelerated Materials and Manufacturing
Additive Manufacturing of Organic Glass Scintillators
Additively Manufactured Multilayer Laser
Advanced Energy Storage Technologies for Extreme Conditions
Advanced Fabrication Techniques of Metal Hydrides for Science and Technology Applications
Advanced In-situ Processes Monitoring Diagnostics and Ex-situ Material Characterization for Laser-based Metal Additive Manufacturing Processes.
An Integrated and Computational Approach to Optimization of Functionally Graded Materials Using Additive Manufacturing
Automated, High-Throughput Screening of Increased Ionic Conductivity Polymer Electrolytes
Building Materials Knowledge Models via Document Network Analysis
Confined Coaxial Powder Extrusion
Control of Self-Propagating Polymer Beams for Integration into Three-Dimensional Printing
Converting Air into Ammonia via Advanced Manufactured Electrochemical Reactors
Developing an Understanding and Control of Electrochemical Deposition Processes for Functional Coatings on Complex Three-Dimensionally Printed Substrates
Development of Metastable High Entropy Alloys for Additive Manufacturing
Dual Wavelength Two-Photon Polymerization
Dual-Energy Phase-Contrast Computed Tomography to Improve Material Discrimination
Enabling Multi-Material Metal Additive Manufacturing Builds through Electrostatic Powder Spreading
Explore Flow-Directed Electrolyte Transport in the Development of Fast-Charging Lithium-Ion Batteries
Freeform Three-Dimensional Microstructures Using Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Gas Bubble Management for Electrochemical Systems
High-Efficiency Biomimetic Three-Dimensional Membranes
Hyper-Doping of Boron Carbide Ablators
In-Situ Quantitative Monitoring and Feedback Control for High-Sensitivity and High-Fidelity Manufacturing
Investigation into High-Throughput Plastic Inertial Confinement Fusion Target Capsule Fabrication Using Volumetric Additive Manufacturing
Joinery Of Ultra High Temperature Ceramics Inspired by Nature
Large-Scale, Two-Photon, Three-Dimensional Printing Enabled by Metaoptics
Machine Learning Design of Single-Atom Catalysts for Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Magnetostrictive Materials for Enhanced Sensors and Electronic Components
Materials for Energy Management across the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Modular Autonomous Experimentation for Biological Applications
Multifunctional Holraums
Nanoscale Precision Milling with Ion Beams
Non-Destructive Testing Using Millimeter-Wave Radar Imaging
Novel Multi-Phase Fluidic Platforms for Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Forensics
PowderJet is an Agile System for High Quality Metal Powder Production
Predictive Atomistic Materials Simulations with Uncertainty Quantification
Radiation Defect Engineering in Two-Dimensional Nanomembranes
Rapid Design to Deployment of Tailored Alloys
Shape Changing of Responsive Elastomer Structures
Surface-Architected Smart Cellular Fluidics for Directional Liquid Transport
Sustainable and Chemically Recyclable Photopolymers for Three-Dimensional Printing
The Science of Scaleup: Accelerated Scaling of Materials and Manufacturing Solutions
Ultra-Wide Bandgap Field-Emission Photocathodes for High-Power, High-Frequency Electronics
Understanding Chemical Kinetics by Operando Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy
Understanding Subsurface Behavior and Defect Formation During Laser Material Interactions Via Coupled In Situ X-Ray and Optical Probes
Virtual Inspection of Advanced Manufacturing via Process-Scale Digital Twins
Volumetric Additive Manufacturing of Gradient Composition Glass
Biological and Chemical Countermeasures
Antimicrobials for Multi-Drug Resistant Infections for BioResilience, Advancement
Building a Computational and Experimental Rapid Response Pipeline to Counter the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak and Emerging Biothreats
Climate-Driven Changes to Host Nutrition May Impact the Emergence and Phenotype of Viral Variants
Expanding the Domain of Applicability of Machine Learning Models with Limited Data
Next Generation Biological Surrogate Particles to Test Aerosol Dispersion
Protective Host-targeted Engineered Gene Therapeutics
Rapid Computational Identification of Therapeutic Targets for Pathogens
Bioscience and Bioengineering
Adverse Neurological Effects of Wildfire Smoke
Battling Long Coronavirus Disease 2019 in the Brain: Elucidating Mechanisms of Neural Dysfunction
Biological Additive Manufacturing Capabilities for Enabling Rapid Response to Emerging Pathogens
Carbon-14-Labeled Microbes to Track the Fates of Microbial Metabolites: A Potential Technical Approach to Define the Gut-Brain Axis in Animal Models
Controlling Access to the Brain: Fine-Tuning Permeability of the Blood-Brain Barrier
Cure the Incurable: Supercharged Immune Cells to Fight Disease
Development of Advanced Terahertz Chiroptical Spectroscopy for Biological and Chemical Security
Eavesdropping on Cancer: Developing Blood-Based Exosome Diagnostics
Engineered Human Vascular Models to Study Endothelial Dysfunction in Infectious Disease
Engineering Bacillus Subtilis for Controlled Gaseous Nitrogen Fixation to Reduce Artificial Nitrogen Utilization and Enhance Microbial Community Function
Engineering a Biosynthetic Pathway for Glycolonitrile, a High Energy Material Precursor
Fiery Effects of Wildfire Smoke Inhalation
Fungal Pneumonia: Understanding Immune Vulnerabilities that Cause Valley Fever
Graph-Based Modeling for Detection and Tracking of Sarin-Surrogate-Induced Neurotoxicity using a human-relevant in vitro brain model
Harnessing Organic Phosphorus Scavengers to Mitigate Nutrient Scarcity
High-Resolution Bioprinted Hierarchical Lung Tissue Model for Studying Respiratory Threats
Host-Directed, Bioelectronic Immunomodulation for Protection Against Emerging Pathogens
Investigating Fluorescent Amino Acids with Entangled Photon Pair Absorption
Invisible Organ: The Next Level of Human Health and Resilience
Linking Protein Phase Separation to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Pathology with Physical Simulations
Microbial Recycling of Plastic-Polymer-Bonded Rare Earth Magnets
Modulating Guanosine Triphosphate Hydrolysis Provides Novel Therapeutic Option to Treat Cancer and Bacterial Infections
Multi-Enzyme and Cofactor Co-Localization for Cell-Free Biocatalysis
Next Generation Dialysis via Exploitation of Novel Fast Diffusion through Nanoscale Pores
Rapid Fabrication of Engineered Gradient Tissue Scaffolds Using Cell-Embedded Microbeads
Rapid T Cell Engineering to Counter Emerging Threats
Revealing Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis Through Multiscale Dynamic Imaging
Single-atom-catalyst membranes for chem/bio protection
Towards Production of an Artificial Chloroplast Containing Cell
Cybersecurity and Cyber-Physical Resilience
FUNPAC: Firmware Updates Need Proof-Accompanied Code
ThornedThymus: An Adaptive Immune System for the Software Supply Chain
Watching the Watchers with Verified Formal Assurance Tools
Directed Energy
Evaluating Epsilon Iron Oxide for Radio Frequency Pulse Generation
Foundational Advances in Refractive Index Control for Optical Fibers
Gallium Arsenide Semiconductor Opening Switches for Pulsed Power Systems
Improving Capacitors and High-fluence Mirrors with Nanoscale Interface Engineering
Integration of Ultrawide Bandgap Photoconducting Semiconductor Switches into High-Voltage, High-Current Pulser Systems
Radiofrequency Testing
Robust Four-Dimensional Imaging Through Structured Illumination Plenoptics
Wireless Coordination for Distributed High-Power Microwave Sources
Earth and Atmospheric Science
Advancing Carbon Cycle Forecasts with Global Models of Soil Chemistry
Developing a Predictive Physics-Based Modeling Framework for Biomass Combustion in Typical Wildfire Conditions
Electrochemical Upcycling of Waste Cement: High-Performance Cement Production and Air Carbon Dioxide Removal
Enhanced Tunnel Detection with Multiple Sensor Technologies
Enhancing Precipitation Predictions with the Cloud-Associated Parameterizations Testbed using Artificial Intelligence
Feasibility of Using Fourier Neural Operators for Three-Dimensional Elastic Seismic Simulations
Fighting Fire with Fire: Can Traditional Native American Burning Practices Help Reduce Devastating Wildfires and Increase Soil Carbon Storage?
From Microbes to the Earth System – Upscaling Microbial Community Dynamics to Macro-scale Soil Carbon Models
High Accuracy at Low Cost: Using Machine Learning to Emulate the Department of Energy's Global Cloud-Resolving Climate Model
High Altitude Disturbance: An Integrated Experimental and Modeling Approach to Quantifying Turbulence and Aerosols at Hypersonic Flight Height
High Resolution Chronology of the Solar System
Microbe-Mediated Effects of Enhanced Rock Weathering on Soil Organic Carbon Storage
Multiscale Wildfire Simulation Framework and Remote Sensing
Opening the Black Box: Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Analysis to Determine the Drivers of Soil Carbon Persistence
Reconstructing the Birth Environment of the Solar System
Taming the Wild West: Assessing Impacts-Relevant Climate Data Products
Energy and Resource Security
Activating Rings in Electrochemical Systems
Advanced Membranes for Electrochemical Technologies
Climate Resilience for National Security
Developing a Predictive Catalysis Framework for Upgrading Sustainable Alcohols
Development Fiber Optic Distributed System for Direct Detection of Subsurface Gases Leakages
Enabling Stable Lithium Metal Anodes for Next-Generation Solid-State Batteries
Encoding High Specificity and Multiplexing in Nanoporous Gas Sensors
Ending Electrolyte Degradation in Aqueous Flow Batteries: Enabling Low-Cost Alternatives for Scalable Grid Storage
Energy Economics Models to Guide Technology Development
Establishing a Design Hub for Tokamak Fusion Reactor Divertor Systems
Exploiting Hydrogen-Induced Phase Transformations for High-Temperature Applications
Forecasting and Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change on Renewable Energy Resources and Grid Reliability
Gallium Nitride Superjunction Fin Field Effect Transistor
High Entropy Oxide Coating to Mitigate Molten Salt Corrosion in Concentrated Solar Power Systems
Improving Durability in the Next Generation of Photovoltaic Materials Through Discovery and Mitigation of Interface-Based Degradation Mechanisms
In-situ Synthesis of Acid-Resistant Composites for Highly Selective Rare Earth Element Separation
Storing Liquid Air and Thermal Energy for Long-Duration Energy Storage
Systems-To-Atoms Enabling Hydrogen for Climate Security
Transportation Planning Based on Reinforcement Learning Policy Intervention
Ultra-High Water Recovery Desalination with Record Thermodynamic Efficiencies
Forensic Science
Countermeasure Development for Chemical Warfare Agents through Accelerated Molecular Discovery
Developing a Broad-Spectrum f-Block Adsorbing and Rapid Uranium Detecting Swipe
Shooter Alarm System in Enclosed Spaces
High Explosives, Physics, Chemistry, and Materials Science
Contrast or Drift?
Enhanced Effect High Explosive Formulations
Experimentally Interrogating Detonation Chemistry on Sub-Nanosecond to 100-Nanosecond Timescales
Novel Pathways for Storing Energy
Towards Automated Characterization of Heterogeneous Materials: A Case Study Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Detonation Products
High-Energy-Density Science
A Kinetic Transport Model for Magnetized Radiation-Hydrodynamics
A New Data-Driven Standard Solar Model
Advanced Time-Resolved Neutron Time-of-Flight Diagnostics for Burning Plasmas
Bayesian Optimization of High-Intensity, Laser-Driven Particle Acceleration Integrating Experiments and Simulations
Breaking Beams: A Kinetic Treatment of the Filamentation and Forward Scatter of Laser Beams in Plasma
Data-Driven Atomic Physics with High Repetition Rate Experiments
Dopants for High Density Carbon
Driving Design with Cognitive Simulation
Exploration of Directly Driven Liquid Deuterium-Tritium Wetted Foam Designs for Burning Plasma and High Neutron Yield Applications
Exploring Innovative High-Gain Ignition Concepts for Inertial Fusion Energy
Exploring a Novel Way to Mitigate Surface Damage in Tokamaks
Extending Equation-of-State Measurements to Gigabar Pressures
Finite Temperature Structure Prediction
High Pressure-Temperature Phase Diagrams and Free Energies from First Principles
High-Order General Discrete Ordinates Method Enabling Efficient Deterministic Transport in Hydrodynamic Simulations
High-Rate Carbide Growth by Evaporation
High-Repetition-Rate Diagnostics with Integrated Active Control for a New Paradigm of High-Energy-Density Experiments
Interatomic Potentials: A Framework for Generating Quantum-Accurate Material Models
Investigating the Relationship Between Microstructure and Dynamic Response Using X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers
Measurement of Mutual Diffusion in Warm Dense Matter
Optimal Uses of Magnetic Fields for Indirect-Drive Inertial Fusion
Plasma Transport at the Nexus of Measurement and Modeling
Precision Polishing of Spheres via In-situ Process Monitoring and Machine-learning-based Optimization
Pulsed-Plasma Deposition of Ultrathick Diamond-like Carbon Films on Nonplanar Surfaces
Shock Ignition in Indirect Drive: A New Approach to High Fusion Gains
Towards a More Predictive Framework for Laser-Driven Particle Sources through Experimental Data-Informed Machine Learning Models
High-Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
Accelerating Time-integrators with Surrogate Models
Achieving Peak Performance of High-Performance Computing Applications by Optimizing Parallelism Compilation
Adaptive Sampling for Risk-Averse Design and Optimization
Addressing Key Physics Problems in High-Energy-Density Plasmas with a Novel Kinetic Simulation Capability
An Experimentally Validated Synergistic Membrane Model
Automated Software Integration
Autonomous MultiScale: Embedded Machine Learning for Smart Simulations
Cross-Scale Modeling for Component Scale Simulations
DENAS: Deep Neuroevolution at Scale
Decision Superiority
Designing Asynchronous Circuits for Dynamic Machine Learning Adaptation
Exact Representation of Curved Material Interfaces and Boundaries in High-Order Finite Element Simulations
ForwardProp is a Novel Gradient-Free Learning Paradigm for Integrating Deep Neural Nets with Scientific Simulations
High-Performance Computing Force Multiplier: Leading the Way for Extreme-Scale Converged Computing
Improving Extrapolation Behavior in Deep Neural Networks
Interactive Exploratory Graph-Enabled Data Analytics at High-Performance Computing Scales
Knowledge Extraction and Injection Via Concept-Level Reasoning in Scientific Machine Learning
Knowledge-Driven Machine Learning
Large-Scale Shape Optimization with Conformal Meshes
Learning to Solve Faster with Data-Driven Algebraic Multigrid Methods
Leveraging Machine Learning Hardware in Time Integration Algorithms
Localizing and Explaining Performance Defects in Heterogeneous Applications
Multilevel Markov chain Monte Carlo Sampling Methods for Discrete Graph Problems
Next-Generation Implicit Neural Representation for Ill-Posed and Dynamic Computed Tomography Reconstruction
Revisiting Consistency Models for High Performance Computing Input/Output: Can We Finally Ditch Portable Operating System Interface?
Scalable Methods for Contact with Optimization
Toward the Intelligent Center for High-Performance Computing
Vectorization of Dynamic Subgraphs via Generative Models
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
Additively Manufactured Neodymium-Doped Strontium-Fluoride Ceramic Gain Medium
Agile Mixing Platform Engineered for Transient Compositional Printing
Arbitrarily Shaped Energetic Pulses from High Energy Thulium Lasers
Beam-Combined Pulsed Fiber Lasers
Exploring the Cosmos: Enabling One-Thousand Times More Sensitive Spectrographs for Exoplanet Search
Filamentation Sealing Using Dual-Laser Treatment
Glass-Engraved Meta-Optics for High-Power Lasers
High Refractive Index Adhesives for Laser Glass Cladding Applications.
Laser Amplification with Suppressed Amplified Spontaneous Emission
Laser-Induced Desorption and Redeposition in Fused Silica
Predicting Damage Growth using Multimode Characterization and Machine Learning
Programmable Time-Varying Spectral Encoding for Advanced Control of High-Energy, High-Power Laser Systems
Revisiting the Critical Physics for Passing Energetic Laser Pulses through Air
Robust High-Power Diodes for Next Generation Laser Systems
Robustly Designed Optical Coatings for Cutting-Edge Science
Ultrafast Operation of High-Average-Power, High-Energy Thulium Lasers
Ultrawide Bandgap Laser Addressable Photoconductors
Understanding Spectral Dependence of Laser-induced Damage Precursors in Dielectric Materials
Nuclear Threat Reduction
Breakthrough Performance with Context Constrained Radiation Measurements
Cosmic Ray Investigations with National Security Detector Networks
Development of the Uranium-236, Uranium-238 Signature for Pre-Detonation Nuclear Forensics
Infrasound Propagation Simulation in the Upper Atmosphere
Passive Reactor Monitoring with Crystal Damage Measurement
Solid-State Gamma-Ray Detection Using Quantum Dots
Toward a Predictive Exascale-Class Hypersonic Simulation Capability for Damage Lethality Assessment and Weapons Environment Characterization
Nuclear Weapons Science
Accelerated Materials Simulations with Deep Neural Networks
Next-Generation Short-Pulse Laser-Driven Neutron Sources for Multimodal Radiography
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science and Technology
Breakdown of the Magic Numbers: Unparalleled Opportunities at the New Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Dark Matter Search with Plutonium-241 Beta Decays
Deciphering Fingerprints of Stellar Nucleosynthesis Through Nuclear Reaction Rate Measurements and Isotopic Analyses of Stardust
Development of a Novel Neutron Source for Next-Generation Neutron Scattering Experiments
Do Tetraquarks Exist? Understanding the Nature of the Mysterious Meson Candidate
Expanding Plutonium Inorganic Chemistry
Fission with Exotic Nuclei
How Rapid is the Rapid Neutron Capture Process?
Hunting Sub-gigaelectron-volt Dark Matter with Diamonds and Magnetic Microcalorimeters
Manipulating the Spin of Nuclei with Nuclear Reactions
Nuclear Detective Work in the Early Universe: The Mysterious Origin of Protein-Rich Stable Nuclei
Nuclear Experiments from Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics Supercomputing Simulations
Predictive Ternary Reactions for Stellar Nucleosynthesis
Putting the Super Back In Supernova
Revealing the Mystery Mode: Understanding the Nuclear Decay Mechanism that Governs Formation of the Universe's Heavy Elements
Reverse-Engineering the Neutron-Nucleus Interaction
Searching for the Edges of the Nuclear Landscape
Target Production Using Additive Manufacturing
The Biggest Bang for Your Buck: Pioneering a Nuclear Science Program Guided by Artificial Intelligence
Water Security in a Snow-Free Future: The Science of Subsurface Water Storage
Quantum Science and Technology
Improving Quantum Gate Fidelity with Universal Differential Equations
New Qubit Geometries with Minimal Participation of Dielectric in Resonant Modes
Quasiparticle Traps to Improve Coherence of Superconducting Qubit
Radiofrequency-Photonic Control Interface for Scalable, High Speed Quantum Computing
Three-dimensional Ion Traps to Enable Quantum Error Correctable and Scalable Quantum Computing
Topological Materials for Quantum Computing
Science of Materials in Hypersonic Regime Conditions
Advanced Manufacturing of Novel Oxide Composites for Reusable Leading Edges
Bead Fabrication for Extreme Environment Analysis Development
Local Energy Matter Interactions and Materials Response in Hypersonic Environments
Remote Observation of Gravity Waves with Multiple Satellite Data Sets
Space Security
A New Dark Matter and Early Universe Grand Science Campaign
Concept Exploration
Data On-Demand for Capable Space Domain Awareness Architecture
Demonstration of Next-Generation Electromagnetic Shielding Materials
High-Performance Computing-Enabled Detection System for Petabyte Scale Astronomy Surveys
Non-Stationary Gaussian Processes at High-Performance Computing Scales for the Space Domain
Proliferated Resilient Economical Half-Meter Space Telescopes
X-ray Multilayers for Next-Generation Astrophysics Missions
Program Overview
Program Accomplishments
Program Description
Program Value
Project Highlights
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
Accelerated Multi-Modal Manufacturing Optimization
Advanced Fabrication Techniques of Metal Hydrides for Science and Technology Applications
Advanced Manufacturing of Net-Shape Leading Edge Geometries for Hypersonic Flight
Advanced Quantitative Metrology and Characterization for Manufacturing
Automated, High-Throughput Screening of Increased Ionic Conductivity Polymer Electrolytes
Bespoke Gold Foams via Xerogel Templating
Building Materials Knowledge Models via Document Network Analysis
Characterizing Materials for Quantum Computing
Climbing over Energy Barriers: A New Paradigm for Accelerating Kinetics
Confined Coaxial Powder Extrusion
Converting Air into Ammonia via Advanced Manufactured Electrochemical Reactors
Developing an Understanding and Control of Electrochemical Deposition Processes for Functional Coatings on Complex Three-Dimensionally Printed Substrates
Development of Metastable High Entropy Alloys for Additive Manufacturing
Dual-Energy Phase-Contrast Computed Tomography to Improve Material Discrimination
Electrostatic Powder Dispenser for Additive Manufacturing Processes
Enabling Multi-Material Metal Additive Manufacturing Builds through Electrostatic Powder Spreading
Gas Bubble Management for Electrochemical Systems
High Energy Density Supercapacitors
High-Efficiency Biomimetic Three-Dimensional Membranes
Investigation of Scanning Droplet Cell Technology for Electrochemical Deposition of Custom Three-Dimensional Alloys
Large-Scale, Two-Photon, Three-Dimensional Printing Enabled by Metaoptics
Laser Processing of Solid-State Lithium Batteries
Machine Learning Design of Single-Atom Catalysts for Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Magnetostrictive Materials for Enhanced Sensors and Electronic Components
Metal-Organic Frameworks as Templates for New Materials Featuring High Complexity and Ordered Porosity
Mid- and High-Z Doping of High Purity, Density Tunable Amorphous Carbon Films on Complex Geometries
Nanofluid Laser Entrainment Additive Manufacturing
Novel Multi-Phase Fluidic Platforms for Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Forensics
Overcoming Cycling Limitations for High-Energy-Density Lithium-Ion Batteries
Photonic Sintering for Granular Additive Manufacturing
Predicting and Controlling Corrosion
Prediction of Complex Metals' and Alloys’ Response to Temperature and Deformation via Handshake Between Experiments and Modeling
Probing the Mechanism of Hydrogen Embrittlement in Body-Centered Cubic Titanium Alloys Using Multiscale Characterization Techniques
Production and Testing of Architected Cermets
Radiation Defect Engineering in Two-Dimensional Nanomembranes
Rapid Design to Deployment of Tailored Alloys
Shape Changing of Responsive Elastomer Structures
Super-Strong, Micrometer-Thin Carbon Nanotube Yarns
Sustainable and Chemically Recyclable Photopolymers for Three-Dimensional Printing
The Science of Scaleup: Accelerated Scaling of Materials and Manufacturing Solutions
Ultrathick Boron Carbide Coatings
Understanding Subsurface Behavior and Defect Formation During Laser Material Interactions Via Coupled In Situ X-Ray and Optical Probes
Volumetric Additive Manufacturing of Glass
Volumetric Additive Manufacturing with Microwave Radiation
Bioscience and Bioengineering
Battling Long Coronavirus Disease 2019 in the Brain: Elucidating Mechanisms of Neural Dysfunction
Biological Additive Manufacturing Capabilities for Enabling Rapid Response to Emerging Pathogens
Bioprinting of Engineered Biofilms for Microbial Electrosynthesis
Bioprinting the Unprintable with Unjammed Powder Printing
Carbon-14-Labeled Microbes to Track the Fates of Microbial Metabolites: A Potential Technical Approach to Define the Gut-Brain Axis in Animal Models
Controlling Access to the Brain: Fine-Tuning Permeability of the Blood-Brain Barrier
Cure the Incurable: Supercharged Immune Cells to Fight Disease
Delivering Ribonucleic Acid Vaccines Using Nanoparticles
Development of Advanced Terahertz Chiroptical Spectroscopy for Biological and Chemical Security
Do Reprogrammed Brain Cells Hold the Key to Healing Damaged Networks After Traumatic Brain Injury?
Eavesdropping on Cancer: Developing Blood-Based Exosome Diagnostics
Engineered Human Vascular Models to Study Endothelial Dysfunction in Infectious Disease
Engineering a Biosynthetic Pathway for Glycolonitrile, a High Energy Material Precursor
Fiery Effects of Wildfire Smoke Inhalation
Flexible and High-Density Nerve Interface for Peripheral Neuromodulation
Fungal Pneumonia: Understanding Immune Vulnerabilities that Cause Valley Fever
High-Resolution Bioprinted Hierarchical Lung Tissue Model for Studying Respiratory Threats
Invisible Organ: The Next Level of Human Health and Resilience
Microbial Recycling of Plastic-Polymer-Bonded Rare Earth Magnets
Microbiome Controls on Harmful Algal Toxin Production in Lake Erie
Modulating Guanosine Triphosphate Hydrolysis Provides Novel Therapeutic Option to Treat Cancer and Bacterial Infections
Next Generation Dialysis via Exploitation of Novel Fast Diffusion through Nanoscale Pores
Quantitative Viral Assessments for Improved Biomonitoring
Rapid Fabrication of Engineered Gradient Tissue Scaffolds Using Cell-Embedded Microbeads
Rapid T Cell Engineering to Counter Emerging Threats
Revealing Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis Through Multiscale Dynamic Imaging
Chemical and Biological Countermeasures
Building a Computational and Experimental Rapid Response Pipeline to Counter the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak and Emerging Biothreats
Profiling Neurological Consequences and Susceptible Populations of Chronic Opioid Use
Rapid Computational Identification of Therapeutic Targets for Pathogens
Cybersecurity and Cyber-Physical Resilience
Exploration of In-Memory Analytics
FUNPAC: Firmware Updates Need Proof-Accompanied Code
ThornedThymus: An Adaptive Immune System for the Software Supply Chain
Directed Energy
Compact High Efficiency Electrically Tunable Amplifier (CHEETAh)
Foundational Advances in Refractive Index Control for Optical Fibers
Wireless Coordination for Distributed High-Power Microwave Sources
Earth and Atmospheric Science
A New Shallow Cumulus Cloud Detection Algorithm from Satellite and Ground-Based Data
Advancing Carbon Cycle Forecasts with Global Models of Soil Chemistry
Electrochemical Upcycling of Waste Cement: High-Performance Cement Production and Air Carbon Dioxide Removal
Enhanced Tunnel Detection with Multiple Sensor Technologies
Enhancing Precipitation Predictions with the Cloud-Associated Parameterizations Testbed using Artificial Intelligence
Fighting Fire with Fire: Can Traditional Native American Burning Practices Help Reduce Devastating Wildfires and Increase Soil Carbon Storage?
From Microbes to the Earth System – Upscaling Microbial Community Dynamics to Macro-scale Soil Carbon Models
High Accuracy at Low Cost: Using Machine Learning to Emulate the Department of Energy's Global Cloud-Resolving Climate Model
High Altitude Disturbance: An Integrated Experimental and Modeling Approach to Quantifying Turbulence and Aerosols at Hypersonic Flight Height
Improved Seismic Monitoring for National and Energy Security with Earth Models from Full Waveform Inversion
Microbe-Mediated Effects of Enhanced Rock Weathering on Soil Organic Carbon Storage
Multiscale Wildfire Simulation Framework and Remote Sensing
Opening the Black Box: Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Analysis to Determine the Drivers of Soil Carbon Persistence
Understanding Urban and Wildland Fire Dynamics
Warming Response of Regional Deep Soil Organic Carbon
Energy and Resource Security
Advanced Membranes for Electrochemical Technologies
Climate Resilience for National Security
Developing a Predictive Catalysis Framework for Upgrading Sustainable Alcohols
Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide with Ocean Wave Energy
Enabling Stable Lithium Metal Anodes for Next-Generation Solid-State Batteries
Encoding High Specificity and Multiplexing in Nanoporous Gas Sensors
Ending Electrolyte Degradation in Aqueous Flow Batteries: Enabling Low-Cost Alternatives for Scalable Grid Storage
Exploiting Hydrogen-Induced Phase Transformations for High-Temperature Applications
Exploring Whether Subsurface Fluid Production can Minimize Triggered Seismicity in Geothermal Fields
Gallium Nitride Superjunction Fin Field Effect Transistor
High-Pressure Electrochemistry in Condensed Gases and Supercritical Fluids
Improving Durability in the Next Generation of Photovoltaic Materials Through Discovery and Mitigation of Interface-Based Degradation Mechanisms
Polar Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Global Non-Convex Optimization in Energy Networks
Radiative Cooling of Any Sky-Facing Surface
Ultra-High Water Recovery Desalination with Record Thermodynamic Efficiencies
Forensic Science
Countermeasure Development for Chemical Warfare Agents through Accelerated Molecular Discovery
High-Energy-Density Science
A Kinetic Transport Model for Magnetized Radiation-Hydrodynamics
A New Data-Driven Standard Solar Model
Behavior and Utility of Flow or Turbulence in Compressing Plasma
Breaking Beams: A Kinetic Treatment of the Filamentation and Forward Scatter of Laser Beams in Plasma
Dopants for High Density Carbon
Driving Design with Cognitive Simulation
Exploring a Novel Way to Mitigate Surface Damage in Tokamaks
Extending Equation-of-State Measurements to Gigabar Pressures
Finite Temperature Structure Prediction
Foam Fills for Laser-Plasma Instability Suppression
High-Repetition-Rate Diagnostics with Integrated Active Control for a New Paradigm of High-Energy-Density Experiments
Inferring Heat Flow in Laser Absorption Regions using Diagnostic Magnetic Fields
Interatomic Potentials: A Framework for Generating Quantum-Accurate Material Models
Investigating the Relationship Between Microstructure and Dynamic Response Using X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers
Magnetically Assisted Ignition
Measurement of Mutual Diffusion in Warm Dense Matter
Plasma Amplifiers to Enable Dramatic Increases in Laser Power and Energy to Access New Physical Processes
Plasma Transport at the Nexus of Measurement and Modeling
Pulsed-Plasma Sputter Deposition of Diamond-Like Carbon Ablators
Scalable and Accurate Simulation of Magnetized Plasmas
Shock Ignition in Indirect Drive: A New Approach to High Fusion Gains
Simulation of High-Energy-Density Plasmas Using a Novel, Fully-Implicit, Particle-in-Cell/Monte-Carlo Algorithm
Tailored Particle Sources Driven by Precision-Shaped Short-Pulse Laser Pulses
Unraveling the Physics and Chemistry of Water-Rich Mixtures at Extreme Pressures and Temperatures
Using Nano-Structured Targets and Ultra-Intense Lasers for Nuclear Science and Source Development
High-Explosives Physics Chemistry and Material Science
Experimentally Interrogating Detonation Chemistry on Sub-Nanosecond to 100-Nanosecond Timescales
Towards Automated Characterization of Heterogeneous Materials: A Case Study Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Detonation Products
Uncertainty Quantification and Experimental Design Using a Quantitative Forward Model for Kinematic X-Ray Diffraction
High-Performance Computing Simulation and Data Science
Achieving Peak Performance of High-Performance Computing Applications by Optimizing Parallelism Compilation
Active Learning for Rapid Design of Vaccines and Antibodies
Adaptive Sampling for Risk-Averse Design and Optimization
An Experimentally Validated Synergistic Membrane Model
Approximate High-Performance Computing: A Fast and Energy-Efficient Computing Paradigm in the Post-Moore Era
Automated Software Integration
Autonomous MultiScale: Embedded Machine Learning for Smart Simulations
Beating Monte Carlo: The Polynomial Method in Lattice Problems
Cross-Scale Modeling for Component Scale Simulations
DENAS: Deep Neuroevolution at Scale
Decentralized Autonomous Networks for Cooperative Estimation
Decision Superiority
Deep Facial Representation for Quantification of Emotion Dynamics
Designing Asynchronous Circuits for Dynamic Machine Learning Adaptation
Efficient High-Frequency Time-Harmonic Wave Propagation Solvers Using Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin Methods
Exact Representation of Curved Material Interfaces and Boundaries in High-Order Finite Element Simulations
Hierarchical, Multimodel, Multiscale Parallel-In-Time
High-Performance Computing Force Multiplier: Leading the Way for Extreme-Scale Converged Computing
Hypothesis Testing via Artificial Intelligence: Generating Physically Interpretable Models of Scientific Data with Machine Learning
Improving Extrapolation Behavior in Deep Neural Networks
Interactive Exploratory Graph-Enabled Data Analytics at High-Performance Computing Scales
Knowledge-Driven Machine Learning
Large-Scale Shape Optimization with Conformal Meshes
Learning a Nonlinear Solver Optimized to Solve the Problem of Electron Density and Effective Atomic Number Reconstruction
Modeling Complex Behavior of Lattices to Enable Multiscale Design
Next-Generation Implicit Neural Representation for Ill-Posed and Dynamic Computed Tomography Reconstruction
Optimal High-Order Solvers
Probabilistic Models for Dynamic Hypergraphs with Content
Reliable Decentralized Solvers in Unreliable Computing Environments
Robust Control of Scientific Simulations with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Safe and Trustworthy Machine Learning
Scientific Machine Learning at Extreme Scale: Optimal Control for Deep Learning in High-Performance Computing
Virtual Inspections: Fast and Intuitive Inspections of Manufactured Parts in Virtual Reality
Zeroth-Order Machine Learning for Flexible Integration of Domain Knowledge
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
Additively Manufactured Neodymium-Doped Strontium-Fluoride Ceramic Gain Medium
Agile Mixing Platform Engineered for Transient Compositional Printing
Arbitrary Space-Variant Polarization Control for Large Aperture, High-Energy Lasers
Beam-Combined Pulsed Fiber Lasers
Defects Suppression in Process-Optimized High Power and Energy Multilayer Dielectric Coated Optics
Designing Damage-Resistant Multilayer Dielectric Gratings for Petawatt-Class Lasers
Exploring the Cosmos: Enabling One Thousand Times More Sensitive Spectrographs for Exoplanet Search
Freeform Optics
Glass Preforms for Next-Generation Fiber Lasers
Glass-Engraved Meta-Optics for High-Power Lasers
Ionization-Based Optical Structures for the Control of Short-Pulse Lasers
Laser Amplification with Suppressed Amplified Spontaneous Emission
Long Pulse Laser-Driven Shock-Induced Damage in Metals
Modelocked Oscillator with Planar Gaussian Optics
Next-Generation Beam Quality for Deployed Laser Systems
Post-Chirped-Pulse-Amplification Pulse Compression for High Energy Laser Systems
Predicting Damage Growth using Multimode Characterization and Machine Learning
Programmable Time-Varying Spectral Encoding for Advanced Control of High-Energy, High-Power Laser Systems
Revisiting the Critical Physics for Passing Energetic Laser Pulses through Air
Robust High-Power Diodes for Next Generation Laser Systems
Spectral Shaping by Phase-Modulated, Picosecond-Pumped, Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplification
Ultrafast Operation of High-Average-Power, High-Energy Thulium Lasers
Ultrafast Plasma Optics for High-Power Coherent Light Sources
Ultrawide Bandgap Laser Addressable Photoconductors
Nuclear Chemical and Isotopic Science and Technology
A Search for Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter
Addressing Unresolved Questions About the Solar System with New Lunar Samples from the Apollo Missions
Advanced Manufacturing of Novel Oxide Composites for Reusable Leading Edges
Bead Fabrication for Extreme Environment Analysis Development
Cosmogenic Tracers to Reveal the Sensitivity of Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems to Changing Climate
Dense Plasma Focus Neutron Source for Nuclear Forensics
Development of a Novel Neutron Source for Next-Generation Neutron Scattering Experiments
Earth’s Leaky Core: Identifying Signatures of Core Materials in the Lithosphere
Fission with Exotic Nuclei
How Rapid is the Rapid Neutron Capture Process?
Hunting Sub-gigaelectron-volt Dark Matter with Diamonds and Magnetic Microcalorimeters
Laying the Foundation for a Nuclear Reactions Program using Rare Ion Beams and Artificial Intelligence
Local Energy Matter Interactions and Materials Response in Hypersonic Environments
Noble Gas Cosmochemistry
Nuclear Analytics: Enabling New Multimodal Approaches to Nuclear Threat Detection
Nuclear Detective Work in the Early Universe: The Mysterious Origin of Protein-Rich Stable Nuclei
Predictive Ternary Reactions for Stellar Nucleosynthesis
Probing the Structure of a Perfect Liquid Using Jets and Machine Learning
Redefining the Geologic Timescale of the Solar System by Accurately Determining the Half-Life of Samarium-146 with Magnetic Microcalorimeters
Reverse-Engineering the Neutron-Nucleus Interaction
The Incredible Shrinking Proton
The Nuclear Science of Asteroid 16 Psyche
Understanding Angular Momentum in Nuclear Fission
Nuclear Threat Reduction
Developing Compositional Control During Additive Manufacturing of Surrogate Debris Reference Materials and Microanalytical Standards
Development of the Uranium-236, Uranium-238 Signature for Pre-Detonation Nuclear Forensics
Generating Fallout-Like Particles by Improving an Existing Setup
Narcissus-Enabled Compact Thermal Hyperspectral Imager
Nuclear Resonance Transmission Analysis Using a Vehicle-Portable Source
Solid-State Gamma-Ray Detection Using Quantum Dots
The Next Frontiers in Rare-Event Detection for Science and Security
Toward a Predictive Exascale-Class Hypersonic Simulation Capability for Damage Lethality Assessment and Weapons Environment Characterization
Nuclear Weapons Science
Accelerated Materials Simulations with Deep Neural Networks
Development of a Multidimensional, Holographic Velocity Interferometer System
Fission Experiments in Laser-Generated Plasmas
Impact of Two-Micron Laser Wavelength on High-Energy-Density Applications and Diagnostics
Inferring Mix and Hot-Spot Conditions from Spectroscopic Measurements with Machine Learning
Next-Generation Short-Pulse Laser-Driven Neutron Sources for Multimodal Radiography
Project DarkStar: Controlling Material Deformation
Sirius Mini: A Prototype Disruptive Accelerator Architecture for Next-Generation Inertial Confinement Fusion Systems
Quantum Science and Technology
New Qubit Geometries with Minimal Participation of Dielectric in Resonant Modes
Novel Frequency Tunable Systems for Superconducting Cavities
Nuclear Dynamics on a Quantum Chip
Radiofrequency-Photonic Control Interface for Scalable, High Speed Quantum Computing
Scalable Quantum Optimal Control
Topological Materials for Quantum Computing
Space Security
A New Dark Matter and Early Universe Grand Science Campaign
Asteroid Science in the Era of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Data On-Demand for Capable Space Domain Awareness Architecture
Fifty-Centimeter Monolithic Space Telescopes
Non-Stationary Gaussian Processes at High-Performance Computing Scales for the Space Domain
Observing Atmospheric Gravity Waves from Space
Revealing the Physics of the Hot and Energetic Universe via Single-Photon-Counting Advanced X-Ray Microcalorimeter Systems
Program Overview
Program Accomplishments
Program Description
Program Value
Project Highlights
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
A New Science-Based Paradigm Enabling Microstructure-Tailored Additive Manufacturing of Metals
Accelerated Multi-Modal Manufacturing Optimization
Accelerating Feedstock Optimization Using Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Data Analysis Techniques
Acoustic and Electromagnetic Characterization for Accelerated Development of Additive Manufacturing
Advanced Alloys for Emerging Challenges
Advanced Manufacturing of Net-Shape Leading Edge Geometries for Hypersonic Flight
Advanced Photopolymer Materials Engineering for Multiscale Additive Fabrication
Advanced Quantitative Metrology and Characterization for Manufacturing
Bespoke Gold Foams via Xerogel Templating
Characterizing Materials for Quantum Computing
Climbing over Energy Barriers: A New Paradigm for Accelerating Kinetics
Developing an Understanding and Control of Electrochemical Deposition Processes for Functional Coatings on Complex Three-Dimensionally Printed Substrates
Development of Magnetic Nanostructures and Their Composites for Efficacious and Lightweight Millimeter Wave Absorbers
Development of Metastable High Entropy Alloys for Additive Manufacturing
Dual Wavelength Negative Imaging Digital Light Processing Stereo Lithographic Apparatus
Dynamic Polymer Networks for On Demand Degradable Adhesives, Scaffolds, and Templates
Electrostatic Powder Dispenser for Additive Manufacturing Processes
Exascale-Ready Modeling to Predict Recrystallization in High-Temperature Materials
Glass Inks for Three-Dimensional Printed Fiber Preforms and Telescope Optics
High Energy Density Supercapacitors
High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Imaging via X-Ray Reflectometry and Phase-Contrast Computed Tomography
Hydrogen Embrittlement-Resistant High-Entropy Alloys with High Strength and Ductility
Laser Processing of Solid-State Lithium Batteries
Lattice Reinforced Cermet Materials
Magnetostrictive Materials for Enhanced Sensors and Electronic Components
Materials with Embedded Microstructural Logic
Metal-Organic Frameworks as Templates for New Materials Featuring High Complexity and Ordered Porosity
Mid- and High-Z Doping of High Purity, Density Tunable Amorphous Carbon Films on Complex Geometries
Nanofluid Laser Entrainment Additive Manufacturing
Overcoming Cycling Limitations for High-Energy-Density Lithium-Ion Batteries
Parallel Two-Photon Lithography Using a Metalens Array
Pattern Formation in Concurrent Multiscale Simulation: A Breakthrough in Understanding Metal Behavior
Porous Metals via Ice Templating
Predicting and Controlling Corrosion
Prediction of Complex Metals' and Alloys' Response to Temperature and Deformation via Handshake Between Experiments and Modeling
Probing the Mechanism of Hydrogen Embrittlement in Body-Centered Cubic Titanium Alloys Using Multiscale Characterization Techniques
Shape Changing of Responsive Elastomer Structures
Super-Strong, Micrometer-Thin Carbon Nanotube Yarns
Surface Modification of High Explosives
Toward Wearable Artificial Intelligence: Flexible Nanocrystal Memristors That Mimic Multilevel Synaptic Functions
Transforming Living Materials into Chemical Reactors
Ultrasound-Enabled Advanced Manufacturing of Polymers
Ultrathick Boron Carbide Coatings
Understanding Subsurface Behavior and Defect Formation During Laser Material Interactions Via Coupled In Situ X-Ray and Optical Probes
Why Do Polymers Turn Yellow? Monitoring Polymer Aging with Time-Resolved Photoluminescence
Bioscience and Bioengineering
A Deep Bayesian Active Learning Framework for Temporal Multimodal Data
Antibacterial Minerals: A Geochemical Approach to Combating Antibiotic Resistance
Biological Additive Manufacturing Capabilities for Enabling Rapid Response to Emerging Pathogens
Bioprinting Breast Cancer In Situ to Study Cell Communication in Disease Progression
Bioprinting of Engineered Biofilms for Microbial Electrosynthesis
Bioprinting the Unprintable with Unjammed Powder Printing
Boot Camp Bugs: Microbiomes of US Infantry Trainees
Can High-Throughput Assays Identify Microbes That Degrade Polyethylene Plastics?
Delivering Ribonucleic Acid Vaccines Using Nanoparticles
Direct Visualization of Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes by Protein-Mediated Loop Extrusion Using High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy
Do Reprogrammed Brain Cells Hold the Key to Healing Damaged Networks After Traumatic Brain Injury?
Eavesdropping on Cancer: Developing Blood-Based Exosome Diagnostics
Engineered and Instrumented Three-Dimensional Tumor-Immune Model System
Engineering Human Vascular Beds to Study Endothelial Susceptibility to the Coronavirus Disease 2019
Flexible and High-Density Nerve Interface for Peripheral Neuromodulation
Incorporation of Carbon Electrodes on Flexible Microelectrode Arrays
Longitudinal Monitoring of Ribonucleic Acid Content of a Live Cell with a Nanotube Pore Interface
Microbiome Controls on Harmful Algal Toxin Production in Lake Erie
Quantitative Viral Assessments for Improved Biomonitoring
Revealing Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis Through Multiscale Dynamic Imaging
Stable Isotope Probing and Viromics: Quantifying Virus-Host and Carbon Cycling Dynamics in Soil with Isotope-Targeted Metagenomics
Three-Dimensional Bioprinted Aneurysm for Intervention Modeling Validation
Using High-Dimensional Omics Data to Identify Therapeutic Strategies for Promoting Tissue Repair and Regeneration
Chemical and Biological Countermeasures
Building a Computational and Experimental Rapid Response Pipeline to Counter the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak and Emerging Biothreats
Construction of Genetic Sense-and-Respond Modules to Detect Viral Infection
Engineering Yeast Biosensors for Pathogen Detection
Identifying Potential Antiviral Small Molecules Against the Coronavirus Disease 2019
Profiling Neurological Consequences and Susceptible Populations of Chronic Opioid Use
Quantum Cascade Lasers with Submicrosecond Tuning Speed for the Detection of High Explosives and Chemical Warfare Agents
Rapid Computational Identification of Therapeutic Targets for Pathogens
Vaccination on the Fly: The Use of Mosquitoes to Vaccinate Bat Populations That Harbor Human Pathogens
Cybersecurity and Cyber-Physical Resilience
Exploration of In-Memory Analytics
FUNPAC: Firmware Updates Need Proof-Accompanied Code
Generating Host-Based Data using Machine Learning
Industrial Control Systems Network Mapping and Data Analytics for Cybersecurity
Measuring the Efficacy of Black-Box Attacks against Autonomous Reinforcement-Learning-based Cybersecurity Tools FY21
Directed Energy
Compact High Efficiency Electrically Tunable Amplifier (CHEETAh)
Scalable Computational Tools for Predicting Fluid-Structure Interactions in Laser Directed Energy Applications
Earth and Atmospheric Science
Dating Alluvial Landforms to Understand the Role of Climate in California's Water Supply
Deeply Rooted: Evaluating Plant Rooting Depth as a Means for Enhanced Soil Carbon Sequestration
Electrochemical Upcycling of Waste Cement: High-Performance Cement Production and Air Carbon Dioxide Removal
From Microbes to the Earth System: Upscaling Microbial Community Dynamics to Macro-scale Soil Carbon Models
High Altitude Disturbance: An Integrated Experimental and Modeling Approach to Quantifying Turbulence and Aerosols at Hypersonic Flight Height
Improved Seismic Monitoring for National and Energy Security with Earth Models from Full Waveform Inversion
Interseasonal Prediction of Western United States Snowpack with Deep Learning
Opening the Black Box: Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Analysis to Determine the Drivers of Soil Carbon Persistence
The Feasibility of Using Large Ensembles to Identify Human Influence on the Seasonal Cycle of Atmospheric Temperature
Understanding Carbon Accumulation Below Ground and the Role of Nutrients Under Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels
Understanding Urban and Wildland Fire Dynamics
Warming Response of Regional Deep Soil Organic Carbon
Energy and Resource Security
Advanced Membranes for Electrochemical Technologies
Encoding High Specificity and Multiplexing in Nanoporous Gas Sensors
Engineering Phase Transformations in Metal Hydrides for High-Temperature Energy Storage
Exploring Whether Subsurface Fluid Production can Minimize Triggered Seismicity in Geothermal Fields
Fiber Optic System for Direct Detection of Carbon Dioxide Leakage in Carbon Storage Wells
Gallium Nitride Superjunction Fin Field Effect Transistor
High-Flux Electrochemical Synthesis of Ammonia in Ionic Liquid
High-Pressure Electrochemistry in Condensed Gases and Supercritical Fluids
Improving Durability in the Next Generation of Photovoltaic Materials Through Discovery and Mitigation of Interface-Based Degradation Mechanisms
Manufacturing Molecules for the Carbon Economy
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Removal from Water by Plasmonic-Photocatalysis
Radiative Cooling of Any Sky-Facing Surface
Regeneration of Carbon Dioxide Sorbents by Joule Heating: Improving Energy Efficiency and Net Carbon in Direct Air Capture
Support-Free Adsorbents for Intensification of Carbon Dioxide Capture from the Air
Transfer of Deep Reinforcement Learning from Simulation to the Road to Reduce Automotive Fuel Consumption
Forensic Science
Gold Nanomeshes for Passive Aerosol Capture
Improving the Analysis of Fentanyl and Related Synthetic Opioids: Alternate Derivatization Approaches for their Enhanced Detection by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Machine Learning-driven Mass Spectrometric Methods for the Screening of Emergent Threats
High-Energy-Density Science
A Short-Pulse, Laser-Driven Neutron Source for Stockpile Stewardship Science
Accurate Temperature Determination from X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Absorption Measurements
Active Activation Diagnostics for High Energy X-ray and Neutron Measurements
An Ultrafast View of Multiscale Plasticity
Behavior and Utility of Flow or Turbulence in Compressing Plasma
Capturing a New State of Matter: Relativistic Electron-Positron Plasma
Dopants for High Density Carbon
Driving Design with Cognitive Simulation
Establishing a Laser-Driven Megaelectronvolt X-Ray and Neutron Radiographic Capability
Exploring a Novel Way to Mitigate Surface Damage in Tokamaks
Exploring the Use of Magnetorheological Fluid Technology to Generate Optical Vortex Beams
Foam Fills for Laser-Plasma Instability Suppression
High-Repetition-Rate Diagnostics with Integrated Active Control for a New Paradigm of High-Energy-Density Experiments
Inferring Heat Flow in Laser Absorption Regions using Diagnostic Magnetic Fields
Interatomic Potentials: A Framework for Generating Quantum-Accurate Material Models
Investigating the Relationship Between Microstructure and Dynamic Response Using X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers
Laser-Plasma Interactions in Magnetized Environments
Magnetically Assisted Ignition
Measurement of Mutual Diffusion in Warm Dense Matter
Metal Ejecta: Transport, Interaction, and Recollection
Plasma Amplifiers to Enable Dramatic Increases in Laser Power and Energy to Access New Physical Processes
Plasma Transport at the Nexus of Measurement and Modeling
Probing Liquid Phases and f-Electron Systems at the Dynamic Compression Sector
Scalable and Accurate Simulation of Magnetized Plasmas
Simulation of High-Energy-Density Plasmas Using a Novel, Fully-Implicit, Particle-in-cell/Monte-Carlo Algorithm
Tailored Particle Sources Driven by Precision-Shaped Short-Pulse Laser Pulses
Unraveling the Physics and Chemistry of Water-Rich Mixtures at Extreme Pressures and Temperatures
Using Nano-Structured Targets and Ultra-Intense Lasers for Nuclear Science and Source Development
X-Ray Optics Solutions for Studying Mesoscale Science
High-Explosives Physics Chemistry and Material Science
Experimentally Interrogating Detonation Chemistry on Sub-nanosecond to 100-nanosecond Timescales
Uncertainty Quantification and Experimental Design Using a Quantitative Forward Model for Kinematic X-Ray Diffraction
Unlocking the Mysteries of High-Explosive Science
High-Performance Computing Simulation and Data Science
Achieving Peak Performance of High-Performance Computing Applications by Optimizing Parallelism Compilation
Active Learning for Rapid Design of Vaccines and Antibodies
Advanced Physics Models for Particle-to-Particle Interactions
An Experimentally Validated Synergistic Membrane Model
Approximate High-Performance Computing: A Fast and Energy-Efficient Computing Paradigm in the Post-Moore Era
Automated Software Integration
Automatic Design of Transport Systems Through Topology Optimization on Adaptively Refined Computational Grids
Beating Monte Carlo: The Polynomial Method in Lattice Problems
Cross-Scale Modeling for Component Scale Simulations
DENAS: Deep Neuroevolution at Scale
Decentralized Autonomous Networks for Cooperative Estimation
Efficient Reduced-Order Models for Multi-Physics Simulations
Exact Representation of Curved Material Interfaces and Boundaries in High-Order Finite Element Simulations
Heterogeneous Computing Elements: A Quantitative Evaluation
High-Performance Parallel Simulations for Whole-Cell Modeling
Hypothesis Testing via Artificial Intelligence: Generating Physically Interpretable Models of Scientific Data with Machine Learning
Interactive Exploratory Graph-Enabled Data Analytics at High-Performance Computing Scales
Knowledge-Driven Machine Learning
Learning a Nonlinear Solver Optimized to Solve the Problem of Electron Density and Effective Atomic Number Reconstruction
MADSTARE: Modeling and Analysis for Data-Starved or Ambiguous Environments
Machine Learning-Driven Dynamic Four-Dimensional X-Ray Computed Tomography Reconstruction
Modeling Complex Behavior of Lattices to Enable Multiscale Design
Next Generation Machine Learning
Optimal High-Order Solvers
Probabilistic Models for Dynamic Hypergraphs with Content
Reliable Linear Solvers in Unreliable Computing Environments
Robust Control of Scientific Simulations with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Safe and Trustworthy Machine Learning
Scalable Motif-Driven Parallel Generative Adversarial Net for Community Detection
Scalable Multilevel Training of Large Neural Networks
Scientific Machine Learning at Extreme Scale: Optimal Control for Deep Learning in High-Performance Computing
The Applicability of Unit Systems to High-Performance Computing Applications
Using a Compressed Format for Floating-Point Data as a Data Type to Create Adaptive-Precision Compressed Arrays
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
Beam-Combined Pulsed Fiber Lasers
Defects Suppression in Process-Optimized High Power and Energy Multilayer Dielectric Coated Optics
Energy Scaling of Thin-Disk Lasers
Exploring Fabrication of Ultra-low Absorption, Multilayer, Hafnium High Reflectors
Extending the Reach of Extreme Ultraviolet Instruments: A New Method for Measuring the Refractive Index of Materials
Freeform Optics
Germanium Photodiode Arrays for Hard X-Ray Imaging
Gestalt Optics: Three-Dimensional Transparent Ceramics
Glass Preforms for Next-Generation Fiber Lasers
Glass-Engraved Meta-Optics for High-Power Lasers
High-Energy Advanced Thermal Performance
Ionization-Based Optical Structures for the Control of Short-Pulse Lasers
Local Energy Matter Interactions and Materials Response in Hypersonic Environments
Modelocked Oscillator with Planar Gaussian Optics
Next-Generation Beam Quality for Deployed Laser Systems
Plasma Photonics: Manipulating Light Using Plasmas
Programmable Time-Varying Spectral Encoding for Advanced Control of High-Energy, High-Power Laser Systems
Revisiting the Critical Physics for Passing Energetic Laser Pulses through Air
Robust High-Power Diodes for Next Generation Laser Systems
The Physics of Confined Laser Ablation and Its Applications
Thulium-Doped Yttrium Lithium Fluoride High-Energy Laser Demonstrator
Ultrafast Operation of High-Average-Power, High-Energy Thulium Lasers
Ultrafast Plasma Optics for High-Power Coherent Light Sources
Nuclear Chemical and Isotopic Science and Technology
A Search for Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter
Addressing Unresolved Questions About the Solar System with New Lunar Samples from the Apollo Missions
Beta Decay at the Limits of Nuclear Stability: Integrating Ab Initio Calculations and Kinematically Complete Measurements
Constraining the Habitability of Mars When Water Flowed on Its Surface
Constraining the Origin of Earth’s Water with Isotope Tracers in Astromaterials
Cosmogenic Tracers to Reveal the Sensitivity of Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems to Changing Climate
Deciphering Fingerprints of Stellar Nucleosynthesis Through Nuclear Reaction Rate Measurements and Isotopic Analyses of Stardust
Development of Novel Ligand-Based Systems to Study the Chemical Properties of the Transactinides
Earth’s Leaky Core: Identifying Signatures of Core Materials in the Lithosphere
Elusive Actinium: A First Glimpse into the Coordination Chemistry of Element 89
Fission with Exotic Nuclei
Fission-Product Decay Studies at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Decay Station
How Rapid is the Rapid Neutron Capture Process?
Identifying the Influence of Environmental Effects on Post-Detonation Chemistry and Debris Formation
Investigating the Site of the Weak Rapid Neutron Capture Process
Microresonators for Compact Optical Sensors
Nuclear Analytics: Enabling New Multimodal Approaches to Nuclear Threat Detection
Nuclear Reaction Theory for Astrophysics and Laboratory Applications
Nuclear Reaction Theory in the Precision Era: Probing New Physics in the Early Universe
Probing the Structure of a Perfect Liquid Using Jets and Machine Learning
Proliferation of Interstellar Plutonium into the Solar System
Redefining the Geologic Timescale of the Solar System by Accurately Determining the Half-Life of Samarium-146 with Magnetic Microcalorimeters
Reverse-Engineering the Neutron-Nucleus Interaction
The Incredible Shrinking Proton
The Next Breakthroughs in Neutrino Physics
The Nuclear Science of Asteroid 16 Psyche
Two Nucleon Interactions and Their Effect on the Visible Universe and the Dark Universe
Ultrahigh-Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy Using Cyclotron Radiation Emission
Understanding Angular Momentum in Nuclear Fission
Using Isotope Probing of Microbe-to-Microbe Interactions to Determine the Fate of Carbon and Impacts on Climate Change
Using Moderately Volatile Elements to Understand the Origin of the Earth-Moon System
Utilizing Radioactive Isotopes Harvested at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams for Neutron-Reaction Measurements
Nuclear Threat Reduction
Compact Readout for an Intelligent Segmented Autonomous Neutron Directional Detector
Deployable, Automated Chemistry-on-a-Chip Platform for Nuclear Forensics
Developing Compositional Control During Additive Manufacturing of Surrogate Debris Reference Materials and Microanalytical Standards
Development of the Uranium-236, Uranium-238 Signature for Pre-Detonation Nuclear Forensics
Modeling Nuclear Cloud Rise and Fallout in Complex Environments
Narcissus-Enabled Compact Thermal Hyperspectral Imager
Nuclear Resonance Transmission Analysis Using a Vehicle-Portable Source
Optimal Giant Detectors
The Next Frontiers in Rare-Event Detection for Science and Security
Toward a Predictive Exascale-Class Hypersonic Simulation Capability for Damage Lethality Assessment and Weapons Environment Characterization
Nuclear Weapons Science
Development of a Multidimensional, Holographic Velocity Interferometer System
Fission Experiments in Laser-Generated Plasmas
Laser-on-Wheels: A Study to Determine Feasibility
On-Demand Deterministic Entangled Photon Source
Project DarkStar: Controlling Material Deformation
Sirius Mini: A Prototype Disruptive Accelerator Architecture for Next-Generation Inertial Confinement Fusion Systems
Quantum Science and Technology
Expanding Control of Quantum Processor Units
Nuclear Dynamics on a Quantum Chip
Quantum Computing with Trapped Electrons
Radiofrequency-Photonic Control Interface for Scalable, High Speed Quantum Computing
Scalable Quantum Optimal Control
Single Photon Emission from Vanadium Defects in Silicon Carbide
Topological Materials for Quantum Computing
Space Security
Asteroid Science in the Era of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Multivariate Gaussian Process Surrogate Models in High Dimensions
Observing Atmospheric Gravity Waves from Space
Revealing the Physics of the Hot and Energetic Universe via Single-Photon-Counting Advanced X-Ray Microcalorimeter Systems
Tunable Optoelectronic Materials for Next-Generation Infrared Detectors
Program Overview
Program Accomplishments
Program Description
Program Value
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
A New Science-Based Paradigm Enabling Microstructure-Tailored Additive Manufacturing of Metals
Accelerated Multi-Modal Manufacturing Optimization
Accelerating Feedstock Optimization Using Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Data Analysis Techniques
Acoustic and Electromagnetic Characterization for Accelerated Development of Additive Manufacturing
Advanced Manufacturing of Net-Shape Leading Edge Geometries for Hypersonic Flight
Advanced Photopolymer Materials Engineering for Multiscale Additive Fabrication
Advanced Quantitative Metrology and Characterization for Manufacturing
Characterizing Materials for Quantum Computing
Climbing Over Energy Barriers: A New Paradigm for Accelerating Kinetics
Developing an Understanding and Control of Electrochemical Deposition Processes for Functional Coatings on Complex Three-Dimensionally Printed Substrates
Developing and Characterizing New Tools for Actinide Processing Science
Development of Additive-Manufacturing Inks with Embedded Electronics for Programmable Matter
Development of Magnetic Nanostructures and Their Composites for Efficacious and Lightweight Millimeter Wave Absorbers
Dual Wavelength Negative Imaging Digital Light Processing Stereo Lithographic Apparatus
Exascale-Ready Modeling to Predict Recrystallization in High-Temperature Materials
Functional Photoresists for Energy Applications
Glass Inks for Three-Dimensional Printed Fiber Preforms and Telescope Optics
High Energy Density Supercapacitors
High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Imaging via X-Ray Reflectometry and Phase-Contrast Computed Tomography
Hydrogen Embrittlement-Resistant High-Entropy Alloys with High Strength and Ductility
In Situ Diagnostics for Accelerated Fabrication and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials
Influence of Process Parameters and Alloy Composition on Crack Mitigation in Selective Laser Melting
Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing In-Process Monitoring and Optimization Using Thermionic Emission Detection
Laser Processing of Solid-State Lithium Batteries
Magnetostrictive Materials for Enhanced Sensors and Electronic Components
Materials with Embedded Microstructural Logic
Mid- and High-Z Doping of High Purity, Density Tunable Amorphous Carbon Films on Complex Geometries
Parallel Two-Photon Lithography Using a Metalens Array
Pattern Formation in Concurrent Multiscale Simulation: A Breakthrough in Understanding Metal Behavior
Porous Metals via Ice Templating
Predicting and Controlling Corrosion
Rapid Closed-Loop Control of Additive Manufacturing with Machine Learning
Sculpting Non-Machinable Porous Materials
Shape Changing of Responsive Elastomer Structures
Super-Strong, Micrometer-Thin Carbon Nanotube Yarns
Toward Wearable Artificial Intelligence: Flexible Nanocrystal Memristors That Mimic Multilevel Synaptic Functions
Transforming Living Materials into Chemical Reactors
Ultrathick Boron Carbide Coatings
Understanding Material Strength Variabilities and Uncertainties for Component Qualification
Bioscience and Bioengineering
A Computational Approach to Improve Prediction of Off-Target Drug Binding Using Membrane Bilayer Effects
A Deep Bayesian Active Learning Framework for Temporal Multimodal Data
Antibacterial Minerals: A Geochemical Approach to Combating Antibiotic Resistance
Bioprinting Breast Cancer In Situ to Study Cell Communication in Disease Progression
Bioprinting of Engineered Biofilms for Microbial Electrosynthesis
Boot Camp Bugs: Microbiomes of US Infantry Trainees
Delivering Ribonucleic Acid Vaccines Using Nanoparticles
Direct Visualization of Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes by Protein-Mediated Loop Extrusion Using High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy
Elucidating Algal–Bacterial Community Interactions by Tracking Volatile Biomarkers
Engineered and Instrumented Three-Dimensional Tumor-Immune Model System
Flexible and High-Density Nerve Interface for Peripheral Neuromodulation
Incorporation of Carbon Electrodes on Flexible Microelectrode Arrays
Longitudinal Monitoring of Ribonucleic Acid Content of a Live Cell with a Nanotube Pore Interface
Metamaterials for Mechanically Directing Cell Phenotype
Microbial Characterization of Combat-Patient Wounds to Improve Healing
Microbiome Controls on Harmful Algal Toxin Production in Lake Erie
Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogenesis: Waging the Arms Race with Superbugs
Optical Interconnect for High-Density Neural Signals
Rapid Detection of Candidates for Vaccines Against Biothreat Agents
Stable Isotope Probing and Viromics: Quantifying Virus-Host and Carbon Cycling Dynamics in Soil with Isotope-Targeted Metagenomics
Synthetic Biology for Nuclear Activity Detection
Three-Dimensional Bioprinted Aneurysm for Intervention Modeling Validation
Using High-Dimensional Omics Data to Identify Therapeutic Strategies for Promoting Tissue Repair and Regeneration
Using Microscale Models to Enhance Predictions of Damage to Soft Tissues
Vanishing Neural Probes: Chronic Implants on Resorbable Substrates
Chemical and Biological Countermeasures
Bioprinting Transgenic Plant Cells for Chemical and Biological Countermeasure Production
Building a Computational and Experimental Rapid Response Pipeline to Counter the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak and Emerging Biothreats
Construction of Genetic Sense-and-Respond Modules to Detect Viral Infection
Engineering Yeast Biosensors for Pathogen Detection
Identifying Potential Antiviral Small Molecules Against the Coronavirus Disease 2019
Profiling Neurological Consequences and Susceptible Populations of Chronic Opioid Use
Quantum Cascade Lasers with Submicrosecond Tuning Speed for the Detection of High Explosives and Chemical Warfare Agents
Rapid Computational Identification of Therapeutic Targets for Pathogens
Vaccination on the Fly: The Use of Mosquitoes to Vaccinate Bat Populations That Harbor Human Pathogens
Cybersecurity and Cyber–Physical Resilience
A Quantitative Methodology for Measuring Cyber Risk to Critical Infrastructure
Addressing Qubits with a Software-Defined Radio Field Programmable Gate Array
Exploration of In-Memory Analytics
Fo'c'sle: Trustworthy Firmware Updates for Energy Control Systems
Industrial Control Systems Network Mapping and Data Analytics for Cybersecurity
Learning Neural Activation Manifolds for Secure Artificial Intelligence
Predictive Modeling of Correlated Noise in Superconducting Circuits
Directed Energy
Compact High Efficiency Electrically Tunable Amplifier (CHEETAh)
Scalable Computational Tools for Predicting Fluid-Structure Interactions in Laser Directed Energy Applications
Earth and Atmospheric Science
Advancing Measurements and Understanding of the Rate and Structure of Atmospheric Warming
Dating Alluvial Landforms to Understand the Role of Climate in California's Water Supply
Deeply Rooted: Evaluating Plant Rooting Depth as a Means for Enhanced Soil Carbon Sequestration
Improved Seismic Monitoring for National and Energy Security with Earth Models from Full Waveform Inversion
Interseasonal Prediction of Western United States Snowpack with Deep Learning
Measuring Atmospheric Gas Using Small Satellites
Probabilistic Predictions and Uncertainty Estimation for Radiological and Nuclear Effects Modeling
Understanding Carbon Accumulation Below Ground and the Role of Nutrients under Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels
Understanding Urban and Wildland Fire Dynamics
Energy and Resource Security
Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioners for Scalable Simulation of Reservoir Geomechanics and Multiphase Flow
Development of Operando Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Capabilities for Solid-State Battery Research
Enabling Optimized Charging of Electric Vehicles in Mobility Services
Functional Metal Coatings on Three-Dimensional Substrates
High-Flux Electrochemical Synthesis of Ammonia in Ionic Liquid FY20
Hot Plasma Etching of Gallium Nitride
Improving Durability in the Next Generation of Photovoltaic Materials through Discovery and Mitigation of Interface-Based Degradation Mechanisms
Manufacturing Molecules for the Carbon Economy
New Experiment–Theory Capability for Atomic-Level Imaging of Interfaces in Solid-State Batteries
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Removal from Water by Plasmonic-Photocatalysis
Selective Removal of Ions from Aqueous Solutions
High-Energy-Density Science
Accurate Temperature Determination from X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Absorption Measurements
Behavior and Utility of Flow or Turbulence in Compressing Plasma
Capturing a New State of Matter: Relativistic Electron-Positron Plasma
Development of Beryllium Carbide Capsules for Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions
Development of Multilayer Laue Lenses for 25 Kilo-Electronvolt X-Ray Imaging
Development of Secondary Toroidal Diamond Anvil Cell Gaskets for Highly Compressible Low-Z Sample Containment at Pressures Above 4 Megabars
Direct Measurement of Mass-Temperature Distributions in the Core of Implosions on the National Ignition Facility
Establishing a Laser-Driven Megaelectronvolt X-Ray and Neutron Radiographic Capability
Exploring Laser-Produced Relativistic Pair Plasma Jets
Foams in Hohlraums
Generating Extreme Magnetic Fields by Engineering Short-Pulse Laser Targets
Imaging Dynamics of Defects Far from Equilibrium
Laser-Plasma Interactions in Magnetized Environments
Magnetically Assisted Ignition
Metal Ejecta: Transport, Interaction, and Recollection
New Design for Low-Mode Asymmetry Mitigation in Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions
Next-Generation Hohlraums for High Coupling Efficiency
Plasma Amplifiers to Enable Dramatic Increases in Laser Power and Energy to Access New Physical Processes
Plasma Transport at the Nexus of Measurement and Modeling
Pressure Ionization in Ultrahigh-Density Plasmas
Probing Liquid Phases and f-Electron Systems at the Dynamic Compression Sector
Quantum Leap for Fusion Energy Sciences
Quantum Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Electronic Transport in Nonlinear Regimes
Scalable and Accurate Simulation of Magnetized Plasmas
Simulating Magnetized Particle Dynamics in Z-Pinch Plasmas
Tailored Particle Sources Driven by Precision-Shaped Short-Pulse Laser Pulses
Unraveling the Physics and Chemistry of Water-Rich Mixtures at Extreme Pressures and Temperatures
Using Nano-Structured Targets and Ultra-Intense Lasers for Nuclear Science and Source Development
X-Ray Optics Solutions for Studying Mesoscale Science
High-Explosives Physics, Chemistry, and Material Science
Imaging of Defects in Polymer Structures Using Water as a Detection Marker: The Search for Appropriate Illumination Sources and Signal Processing Methods
Metal-Phthalocyanine Superlattices: Exploring Quantum Devices as a New Paradigm for Sensing Applications and Information Storage
Uncertainty Quantification and Experimental Design Using a Quantitative Forward Model for Kinematic X-Ray Diffraction
Unlocking the Mysteries of High-Explosive Science
High-Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
Accelerated and Disaggregated Cognitive Simulation
Active Control of Turbulent Flows through Deep Learning
Active Learning for Rapid Design of Vaccines and Antibodies
Advanced Physics Models for Particle-to-Particle Interactions
Approximate High-Performance Computing: A Fast and Energy-Efficient Computing Paradigm in the Post-Moore Era
Automatic Design of Transport Systems Through Topology Optimization on Adaptively Refined Computational Grids
Beating Monte Carlo: The Polynomial Method in Lattice Problems
Decentralized Autonomous Networks for Cooperative Estimation
Deep Multitask Learning for Predictive Oncology
Floating Point Reproducibility for Accelerator-Based Systems
Heterogeneous Computing Elements: A Quantitative Evaluation
High-Fidelity, Scalable Quantum Qubit Control Signal Generation
High-Order Finite Elements for Thermal Radiative Transfer on Curved Meshes
High-Performance Parallel Simulations for Whole-Cell Modeling
Hypothesis Testing via Artificial Intelligence: Generating Physically Interpretable Models of Scientific Data with Machine Learning
MADSTARE: Modeling and Analysis for Data-Starved or Ambiguous Environments
Machine Learning-Driven Dynamic Four-Dimensional X-Ray Computed Tomography Reconstruction
Materials Response Under Hypersonic Flow Conditions Probed by Multimodal Diagnostics in a Benchtop Wind Tunnel
Measuring the Interpolation Quality of Trained Neural Networks
Methods for Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Modeling Complex Behavior of Lattices to Enable Multiscale Design
Next Generation Machine Learning
Nonlinear Manifold-Based Reduced Order Models
Nonlinear Spatial Discretization Using Sparse Grids
Optimal High-Order Solvers
Optimizing Performance Through Parallelism-Aware Compilation
Persistent Concurrent Data Structures
Probabilistic Models for Dynamic Hypergraphs with Content
Robust Control of Scientific Simulations with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Safe and Trustworthy Machine Learning
Scalable Approximate Graph Clustering
Scalable Multilevel Training of Large Neural Networks
Simulations of Interpenetrating Plasma
The Development of High-Order Interface Tracking Schemes for the Simulation of Multiphase Flows
XPlacer: Extensible and Portable Optimizations of Data Placement in Memory
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
Anti-Reflective Meta-Surfaces (ARMS) for High-Power Lasers
Arbitrary Control and Characterization of Laser Waveforms and Interactions at Picosecond Resolution over Long Record Lengths
Assessment of Laser-Damage Performance of Meta-Surface Material to Enable High-Speed Laser Beam Control
Beam Homogenization of Laser Drivers for High-Energy, Large-Aperture Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplification
Defects Suppression in Process-Optimized High Power and Energy Multilayer Dielectric Coated Optics
Energy Scaling of Thin-Disk Lasers
Extending the Reach of Extreme Ultraviolet Instruments: A New Method for Measuring the Refractive Index of Materials
Freeform Optics
Germanium Photodiode Arrays for Hard X-Ray Imaging
Gestalt Optics: Three-Dimensional Transparent Ceramics
Glass Preforms for Next-Generation Fiber Lasers
High-Energy Advanced Thermal Performance
Next-Generation Beam Quality for Deployed Laser Systems
Photonic Transceivers for Secure Radio Frequency Communications and Radar
Plasma Photonics: Manipulating Light Using Plasmas
The Physics of Confined Laser Ablation and Its Applications
Thulium-Doped Yttrium Lithium Fluoride High-Energy Laser Demonstrator
Time-Resolved Two-Dimensional Streak Camera
Ultrafast Plasma Optics for High-Power Coherent Light Sources
Nuclear Threat Reduction
Deployable, Automated Chemistry-on-a-Chip Platform for Nuclear Forensics
Developing Compositional Control During Additive Manufacturing of Surrogate Debris Reference Materials and Microanalytical Standards
Modeling Nuclear Cloud Rise and Fallout in Complex Environments
Narcissus-Enabled Compact Thermal Hyperspectral Imager
Pioneering Stable Isotope Signatures of Nuclear Proliferation
Probing Photon Fusion for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider Using Proton Tagging
Short-Pulse Interrogation for Detection of Special Nuclear Materials
The Next Frontiers in Rare-Event Detection for Science and Security
Nuclear Weapons Science
Development of a Multidimensional, Holographic Velocity Interferometer System
Examining an On-the-Fly Movable Boundary Capability for Simulations of Unsteady High-Speed Aerothermodynamic Flows
Fission Experiments in Laser-Generated Plasmas
Flash X-Ray Computed Tomography for Three-Dimensional Characterization of Explosive Performance
Learning-Based Predictive Models: A New Approach to Integrating Large-Scale Simulations and Experiments
Quantifying Uncertainties of Microscopic Nuclear Theories
Sirius Mini: A Prototype Disruptive Accelerator Architecture for Next-Generation Inertial Confinement Fusion Systems
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science & Technology
A Search for Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter
Addressing Unresolved Questions About the Solar System with New Lunar Samples from the Apollo Missions
Beta Decay at the Limits of Nuclear Stability: Integrating Ab Initio Calculations and Kinematically Complete Measurements
Connecting Nuclear Structure to Stellar Astrophysics: Neutron Skin in Tin Isotopes
Constraining the Habitability of Mars When Water Flowed on Its Surface
Constraining the Origin of Earth’s Water with Isotope Tracers in Astromaterials
Deciphering Fingerprints of Stellar Nucleosynthesis Through Nuclear Reaction Rate Measurements and Isotopic Analyses of Stardust
Developing Photonuclear Experimental Capabilities for Nuclear Science and Security
Development of Novel Ligand-Based Systems to Study the Chemical Properties of the Transactinides
Discovering the Nature of Neutrinos: How Nuclear Theory Will Advance this Grand Endeavor
Elusive Actinium: A First Glimpse into the Coordination Chemistry of Element 89
Establishing Hands-On Astrophysics at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Identifying the Influence of Environmental Effects on Post-Detonation Chemistry and Debris Formation
Investigating the Site of the Weak Rapid Neutron Capture Process
Microresonators for Compact Optical Sensors
Nuclear Analytics: Enabling New Multimodal Approaches to Nuclear Threat Detection
Nuclear Reaction Theory for Astrophysics and Laboratory Applications
Nuclear Reaction Theory in the Precision Era: Probing New Physics in the Early Universe
Nuclear Reaction Theory in the Precision Era: Probing New Physics in the Early Universe
Probing the Structure of a Perfect Liquid Using Jets and Machine Learning
Proliferation of Interstellar Plutonium into the Solar System
Redefining the Geologic Timescale of the Solar System by Accurately Determining the Half-Life of Samarium-146 with Magnetic Microcalorimeters
The Next Breakthroughs in Neutrino Physics
The Nuclear Science of Asteroid 16 Psyche
Two Nucleon Interactions and Their Effect on the Visible Universe and the Dark Universe
Ultrahigh-Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy Using Cyclotron Radiation Emission
Understanding Angular Momentum in Nuclear Fission
Using Isotope Probing of Microbe-to-Microbe Interactions to Determine the Fate of Carbon and Impacts on Climate Change
Using Moderately Volatile Elements to Understand the Origin of the Earth-Moon System
Utilizing Radioactive Isotopes Harvested at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams for Neutron-Reaction Measurements
Quantum Science and Technology
Expanding Control of Quantum Processor Units
Nuclear Dynamics on a Quantum Chip
Scalable Quantum Optimal Control
Unconventional Superconductivity in a Focused-Ion-Beam-Decorated Topological Insulator
Space Security
A Search for Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Dark Matter
Asteroid Science in the Era of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Integration of Quantification of Margins and Uncertainties Methodology into Parallel Discrete Event Simulator Framework
Observing Atmospheric Gravity Waves from Space
Revealing the Physics of the Hot and Energetic Universe via Single-Photon-Counting Advanced X-Ray Microcalorimeter Systems
Tunable Optoelectronic Materials for Next-Generation Infrared Detectors
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Research Categories
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
Materials Informatics for Synthesis, Optimization, and Scale-Up of Advanced Materials
Parallel Two-Photon Polymerization for Sub-Micrometer Additive Manufacturing
Optimizing Engineered Flow-Through Electrodes for Energy Applications
Understanding Material Strength Variabilities and Uncertainties for Component Qualification
Rapid Closed-Loop Control of Additive Manufacturing with Machine Learning
Quantum Levitation of Fuel Capsules for Inertial Confinement Fusion
In Situ Diagnostics for Accelerated Fabrication and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials
Film Growth Dynamics During Pulsed Sputter Deposition
Computational Design Automation
Functional Photoresists for Energy Applications
Porous Metals via Ice Templating
Influence of Process Parameters and Alloy Composition on Crack Mitigation in Selective Laser Melting
Multiscale Model for Chemical Degradation of Materials
Directly Probing Spin Fluctuations in Quantum Spin Liquids with X-Ray Free Electron Lasers
Metallopolymers as an Emergent Class of Materials for Additive Manufacturing of Graded Density Gold Foams
Developing and Characterizing New Tools for Actinide Processing Science
A New Science-Based Paradigm Enabling Microstructure-Tailored Additive Manufacturing of Metals
Climbing over Energy Barriers: A New Paradigm for Accelerating Kinetics
Transforming Living Materials into Chemical Reactors
Gestalt Optics: Three-Dimensional Transparent Ceramics
Acoustic and Electromagnetic Characterization for Accelerated Development of Additive Manufacturing
Advanced Photopolymer Materials Engineering for Multiscale Additive Fabrication
Materials with Embedded Microstructural Logic
Glass Inks for Three-Dimensional Printed Fiber Preforms and Telescope Optics
High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Imaging via X-Ray Reflectometry and Phase-Contrast Computed Tomography
Exascale-Ready Modeling to Predict Recrystallization in High-Temperature Materials
Amorphous Carbon Coatings with Controlled Density and Composition
Laser-Based Defect Reduction in Wide Bandgap Semiconductors Used in Radiation-Voltaics Devices: Radiation Hardening and Annealing
Laser-Based Defect Reduction in Wide Bandgap Semiconductors Used in Radiation-Voltaics Devices: Radiation Hardening and Annealing
Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing In-Process Monitoring and Optimization Using Thermionic Emission Detection
Large Volume Paste Projection Microstereolithography
Investigation of Computational Corrections to X-Ray Computed Tomography for Dimensional Metrology of Complex Additively Manufactured Parts
Nanoscale Three-Dimensional Printing of Metallic Structures via Femtosecond Projection Two-Photon Reduction
Unconventional Superconductivity in a Focused-Ion-Beam-Decorated Topological Insulator
Development of Additive-Manufacturing Inks with Embedded Electronics for Programmable Matter
Accelerating Feedstock Optimization Using Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Data Analytic Techniques
Bioscience and Bioengineering
Characterizing Host-Pathogen Immunity Gut-Brain Interactions
Engineering a Therapeutic Microbe for Infection-Site Delivery of Encapsulated Antimicrobial Peptides
Synthetic Biology and Computational Modeling for Prediction of Viral Virulence
Microbial Characterization of Combat-Patient Wounds to Improve Healing
Computational Design of Broadly Neutralizing Vaccines for Highly Mutable Pathogens
Three-Dimensional Bio-Printed Microenvironments for Studying Cancer Metastasis
Investigating the Role of Innate Immunity in Viral Encephalitis Caused by Rift Valley Fever Virus
An Investigational Platform of the Human Brain for Understanding Complex Neural Function
Longitudinal Monitoring of Ribonucleic Acid Content of a Live Cell with a Nanotube Pore Interface
A Computational Approach to Improve Prediction of Off-Target Drug Binding Using Membrane Bilayer Effects
Stable Isotope Probing and Viromics: Quantifying Virus-Host and Carbon Cycling Dynamics in Soil with Isotope-Targeted Metagenomics
Optical Interconnect for High-Density Neural Signals
Detection of Upwind Pathogens Using Aircraft and Ground Stations
A Handheld Medical Diagnostic Device for Harsh Environments
Bioprinting Breast Cancer In Situ to Study Cell Communication in Disease Progression
Brain Connectomics: Opportunities for High-Performance Computing
The Mechanochemical Genesis of Prebiotics
Innate Persistence of Human Immune Memory T Cells
Rapid Detection of Candidates for Vaccines Against Biothreat Agents
Catching Villains: Finding Single Cells Responsible for Cancer Drug Resistance and Metastasis
Protein Factory on a Chip for Rapid Therapeutics
Toward Artificial Neurons: Biomimetic Signal Propagation in Synthetic Nanochannel Systems
A Machine Learning System to Guide Clinical Procedures in Real-Time
A Deep Bayesian Active Learning Framework for Temporal Multimodal Data
Preparing Circulatory Modeling Code for Exascale Computing
Elucidating Algal-Bacterial Community Interactions by Tracking Volatile Biomarkers
Imaging Macromolecular Structural Dynamics with Low-Dose, Time-Resolved Transmission Electron Microscopy
Metamaterials for Mechanically Directing Cell Phenotype
Using Microscale Models to Enhance Predictions of Damage to Soft Tissues
Three-Dimensional Bioprinted Aneurysm for Intervention Modeling Validation
Antibacterial Minerals: A Geochemical Approach to Combating Antibiotic Resistance
Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogenesis: Waging the Arms Race with Superbugs
Engineered and Instrumented Three-Dimensional Tumor-Immune Model System
Chemical and Biological Countermeasures
Learning Interactions in Complex Biological Systems
Construction of Genetic Sense-and-Respond Modules to Detect Viral Infection
Vaccination on the Fly: The Use of Mosquitoes to Vaccinate Bat Populations That Harbor Human Pathogens
Creating Feature Representations of Antibody–Antigen Complexes for Fast Binding Prediction with Machine Learning
Predicting Ionizing Radiation Exposure
Cybersecurity and Cyber–Physical Resilience
A Quantitative Methodology for Measuring Cyber Risk to Critical Infrastructure
Predictive Modeling of Correlated Noise in Superconducting Circuits
Industrial Control Systems Network Mapping and Data Analytics for Cybersecurity
Scalable Graph Motif Learning Capabilities for Operational Cyber Defense
Gas-Electrical Grid Coordination for Cross Infrastructure Resilience Enhancement
Directed Energy
Laser Beam Propagation Through Deep Turbulence
Optically Safer, Power-Scalable Laser Systems for Defense Applications
A Diamond Total-Internal-Reflection Photoconductive Switch
New Framework to Prevent Catastrophic Damage to Laser Diodes
Scalable Computational Tools for Predicting Fluid-Structure Interactions in Laser Directed-Energy Applications
Earth and Atmospheric Science
Fiber-Optic Acoustic Sensors for Geophysical Applications
Probabilistic Predictions and Uncertainty Estimation for Radiological and Nuclear Effects Modeling
Integrating climate model simulations and paleo data to constrain future drought risks over California
Measuring Atmospheric Gas Using Small Satellites
Advancing Measurements and Understanding of the Rate and Structure of Atmospheric Warming
Deeply Rooted: Evaluating Plant Rooting Depth as a Means for Enhanced Soil Carbon Sequestration
Interseasonal Prediction of Western United States Snowpack with Deep Learning
Earthquake Predictions on the Sierra High-Performance Computing System
Developing an Observation-Based Transfer Function for Climate Sensitivity
Using Passive Seismology to Map the Water within Critical Glacial Ice Sheets
Dating Alluvial Landforms to Understand the Role of Climate in California's Water Supply
Energy and Resource Security
Fullerene-Grafted Graphene as an Electrical Energy Storage Material
Selective Removal of Ions from Aqueous Solutions
Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioners for Scalable Simulation of Reservoir Geomechanics and Multiphase Flow
Construction of Solar Cells from Colloidal Nanocrystals Through Electrophoretic Deposition
Structure of Ionic Liquids Under Nanoconfinement in Energy Applications
Hot Plasma Etching of Gallium Nitride
Plasmonics-Enhanced Photocatalysis for Water Decontamination
Three-Dimensional Printed Segmented Electrodes for Water Desalination
Enabling Optimized Charging of Electric Vehicles in Mobility Services
Rational Design of Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Rechargeable Metal–Air Batteries
Evolution of Induced Fracture Networks Using Machine Learning Correlation Image Analysis
Three-Dimensional Printing of Catalytic Electrodes for Solar-Driven Water-Splitting Devices
New Experiment–“Theory Capability for Atomic-Level Imaging of Interfaces in Solid-State Batteries
Manufacturing Molecules for the Carbon Economy
High-Energy-Density Science
Exploring Laser-Produced Relativistic Pair Plasma Jets
Kinetics of Incipient Stages of Phase Transitions
Understanding Plasma Divertor Detachment in Fusion Power Reactors
Effects of Pressure-Induced Ionization Potential Depression on Material Properties
Effects of Magnetic Fields on Transport in Laser-Driven Nonequilibrium Plasmas
The Design of a Solid-State Streak Detector
Investigation of Ultrahigh-Pressure Phase Transitions in Metals with a Toroidal Diamond Anvil Cell
A Short-Pulse, Laser-Driven Particle Beam Capability
Electrodeposition of Gradient-Density Metal Films from Ionic Liquids
Microphysics Studies of Hohlraum Dynamics
Foams in Hohlraums
Next-Generation Hohlraums for High Coupling Efficiency
Accurate Temperature Determination from X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Absorption Measurements
Simulating Magnetized Particle Dynamics in Z-Pinch Plasmas
Probing Liquid Phases and f-Electron Systems at the Dynamic Compression Sector
X-Ray Optics Solutions for Studying Mesoscale Science
Direct Measurement of Mass-Temperature Distributions in the Core of Implosions on the National Ignition Facility
Quantum Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Electronic Transport in Nonlinear Regimes
Pressure Ionization in Ultra-High Density Plasmas
High-Fidelity Kinetic Modeling of Plasmas in Z-Pinch and Pulsed-Power Configurations
Exploring Deuterium-Tritium Gas-Filled Hohlraums as a High-Yield Neutron Source
Metal Ejecta: Transport, Interaction, and Recollection
Defining the Direction of Nuclear-Plasma Interaction Research at the National Ignition Facility
Imaging Dynamics of Defects Far from Equilibrium
Plasma Amplifiers to Enable Dramatic Increases in Laser Power and Energy to Access New Physical Processes
Unraveling the Physics and Chemistry of Water-Rich Mixtures at Extreme Pressures and Temperatures
Laser-Plasma Interactions in Magnetized Environments
Modeling Hydrodynamic Instabilities and Mix in Hohlraums
Development of Multilayer Laue Lenses for 25 Kilo-Electronvolt X-Ray Imaging
New Design for Low-Mode Asymmetry Mitigation in Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions
Heavy-Metal Ceramic Hohlraums for Magnetically Assisted Ignition Targets
Development of Beryllium Carbide Capsules for Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions
Quantum Leap for Fusion Energy Sciences
Establishing a Laser-Driven Megaelectronvolt X-Ray and Neutron Radiographic Capability
High-Explosives Physics, Chemistry, and Material Science
Characterizing Carbon Nucleation in Shocked Energetic Materials
Unlocking the Mysteries of High-Explosive Science
Three-Dimensional Microwave Imaging of Detonation Fronts
Metal-Phthalocyanine Superlattices: Exploring Quantum Devices as a New Paradigm for Sensing Applications and Information Storage
High-Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
Control of Superconducting Quantum Circuits
High-Dimensional Spectral-Sampling Techniques
Detecting Data Races in High-Performance Computing
Simulation of Biased Random Walks in an Asynchronous Graph Framework
Projection-Based Model Reduction with Applications in Radiation Transport and Hydrodynamics Simulation
Multiple-Rate Integrators for Differential Equations
Modeling Thermal and Quantum Magnetic Fluctuations in Correlated Materials
Simulations of Interpenetrating Plasmas
Robust Decentralized Signal Processing and Distributed Control of Autonomous Sensor Networks
Large-Scale Multimodal Deep Learning for Nuclear Nonproliferation Analysis
Variable Precision Computing
High-Order Finite Elements for Thermal Radiative Transfer on Curved Meshes
XPlacer: Extensible and Portable Optimizations of Data Placement in Memory
Deep Multitask Learning for Predictive Oncology
Methods for Explainable Artificial Intelligence
The Development of High-Order Interface Tracking Schemes for the Simulation of Multiphase Flows
Engineering a Quantum Methuselah Using Phononic Band Gaps
Hypothesis Testing via Artificial Intelligence: Generating Physically Interpretable Models of Scientific Data with Machine Learning
Nuclear Dynamics on a Quantum Chip
Beating Monte Carlo: The Polynomial Method in Lattice Problems
Heterogeneous Computing Elements: A Quantitative Evaluation
Next Generation Machine Learning
Expanding Control of Quantum Processor Units
Scalable Multilevel Training of Large Neural Networks
Advanced Physics Models for Particle-Particle Interactions
High-Performance Parallel Simulations for Whole-Cell Modeling
Automatic Design of Transport Systems Through Topology Optimization on Adaptively Refined Computational Grids
Advanced Parameterizations for Topology Optimization via Projection
Prototyping Exascale Graph Analytics
Quantum Optimal Control Using High-Performance Computing
Evaluating Field-Programmable Gate Arrays with Proxy Applications
Machine Learning for Constitutive Modeling on an Exascale Computing Platform
MADSTARE: Modeling and Analysis for Data-Starved or Ambiguous Environments
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
HDRScope—”The High Dynamic-Range Oscilloscope
Enhanced Surface Laser-Damage Resistance of Nonlinear Crystals
Science of Finishing of Novel Optical Materials
Technologies for High-Energy, Short-Pulse Laser Systems Beyond the Kilowatt Barrier
Minimizing Absorption on Optical Surfaces of Gas Lasers
Advanced Multilayer Systems for National Security
Anti-Reflective Meta-Surfaces (ARMS) for High-Power Lasers
Arbitrary Control and Characterization of Laser Waveforms and Interactions at Picosecond Resolution over Long Record Lengths
Energy Scaling of Thin-Disk Lasers
Plasma Photonics: Manipulating Light Using Plasmas
Short-Pulse Laser Ablation of Energetic Materials for Threat Object Interrogation
Germanium Photodiode Arrays for Hard X-Ray Imaging
The Physics of Confined Laser Ablation and Its Applications
Photonic Transceivers for Secure Radio Frequency Communications and Radar
Improving the Performance and Efficiency of Diode-Pumped, High-Power Lasers
Using Nanoparticle Sol Gels to Prepare Custom, High-Purity Optical-Fiber Preforms
Optical Sampler for Broad-Spectrum Sensing
Assessment of Laser-Damage Performance of Meta-Surface Material to Enable High-Speed Laser Beam Control
Time-Resolved Two-Dimensional Streak Camera
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science & Technology
Nucleosynthesis for Science and Security
Uncovering the Origins of the Solar System with Cosmochemical Forensics
The Origins of Matter on Near-Exascale Supercomputing
An Alternative Rare-Event Detector
Probabilistic Modeling for Nuclear Fission and Heavy-Ion Collisions
Developing Photonuclear Experimental Capabilities for Nuclear Science and Security
The Next Breakthroughs in Neutrino Physics
Laying the Foundation for a Predictive Theory of Electroweak Nuclear Phenomena
Toward the World's First Nuclear Clock
Building a Predictive Fission-Rate Model
Micro-Resonators for Compact Optical Sensors
Development of Novel Ligand-Based Systems to Study the Chemical Properties of the Transactinides
Beta Decay at the Limits of Nuclear Stability: Integrating Ab Initio Calculations and Kinematically Complete Measurements
Nuclear Reaction Theory for Astrophysics and Laboratory Applications
Investigating the Site of the Weak Rapid Neutron Capture Process
Developing a Radiochemical Method to Measure Thermonuclear Detector Cross Sections
A Simple Search for Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter
Establishing Hands-On Astrophysics at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Connecting Nuclear Structure to Stellar Astrophysics: Neutron Skin in Tin Isotopes
Using Moderately Volatile Elements to Understand the Origin of the Earth-Moon System
Proliferation of Interstellar Plutonium into the Solar System
Discovering the Nature of Neutrinos: How Nuclear Theory Will Advance This Grand Endeavor
Using Isotope Probing of Microbe-Microbe Interactions to Determine the Fate of Carbon and Impacts on Climate Change
Constraining the Origin of Earth's Water with Isotope Tracers in Astromaterials
Nuclear Threat Reduction
Pioneering Stable Isotope Signatures of Nuclear Proliferation
Modeling Nuclear Cloud Rise and Fallout in Complex Environments
Additive Manufacturing of Post-Detonation Surrogate Debris Reference Materials
Experimental Determination of the Uranium-239 Neutron Capture Reaction by Measurement of Uranium-240 by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
Probing Photon Fusion for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider Using Proton Tagging
Deployable, Automated Chemistry-on-a-Chip Platform for Nuclear Forensics
Rapid Laser Processing of Nuclear Debris
Efficient, Portable Radioxenon Collection for Nuclear Test Monitoring
Short-Pulse Interrogation for Detection of Special Nuclear Materials
Nuclear Weapons Science
Quantifying Uncertainties of Microscopic Nuclear Theories
Flash X-Ray Computed Tomography for Three-Dimensional Characterization of Explosive Performance
Development of a Low-Cost High-Throughput Ejecta Drive
Learning-Based Predictive Models: A New Approach to Integrating Large-Scale Simulations and Experiments
Examining an On-the-Fly Movable Boundary Capability for Simulations of Unsteady High-Speed Aerothermodynamic Flows
Space Security
Positioning, Navigation, and Timing with High-Accuracy Astrometry
Next-Generation Search for Solar Axion Dark Matter with the International Axion Observatory
Design and Optimization of Compact Multi-Mission Telescopes
A Search for Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Dark Matter
Integration of Quantification of Margins and Uncertainties Methodology into Parallel Discrete Event Simulator Framework
Tunable Optoelectronic Materials for Next-Generation Infrared Detectors
Photonic-Software-Defined Radio
Instrumenting a Fleet of Small Satellites for Monitoring the Earth's Upper Atmosphere
Director's Statement
How to Read This Report
The Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program at LLNL
Alignment with DOE, NNSA, and Laboratory Missions
Topics of Inquiry
Types of Projects
Structure of the FY18 Portfolio
Research Highlights
Awards and Recognition
LDRD on Journal Covers (and TV)
The Long-Term Impacts of LDRD Investments: Centers for Strategic Partnerships
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
Exploratory Research
A Design Platform for Electrochemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide
A Diamond Total-Internal-Reflection Photoconductive Switch
Building Computerized Tomography Tools for Precision Additive Manufacturing
Electrodeposition of Gradient-Density Metal Films from Ionic Liquids
Film Growth Dynamics During Pulsed Sputter Deposition
Functional Photoresists for Energy Applications
Influence of Process Parameters and Alloy Composition on Crack Mitigation in Selective Laser Melting
In Situ Diagnostics for Accelerated Fabrication and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials
Materials Informatics for Synthesis, Optimization, and Scale-Up of Advanced Materials
Mesoscale Crystal Architectures
Optimizing Engineered Flow-Through Electrodes for Energy Applications
Parallel Two-Photon Polymerization for Sub-Micrometer Additive Manufacturing
Porous Metals via Ice Templating
Quantum Levitation of Fuel Capsules for Inertial-Confinement Fusion
Rapid Closed-Loop Control of Additive Manufacturing with Machine Learning
Three-Dimensional Bio-Printed Microenvironments for Studying Cancer Metastasis
Understanding Material Strength Variabilities and Uncertainties for Component Qualification
Feasibility Studies
An Adaptable Network-Based Method for Bonding Plastics
Bridging the Material Modeling Gap Between Research and Design
Carbons with Designed Chemistry and Porosity
Material Logic
Multiscale Model for Chemical Degradation of Materials
Solid Nanoadhesives for Precision Assembly
Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing for Reactive Metals
Lab-Wide Competitions
Metallopolymers as an Emergent Class of Materials for Additive Manufacturing of Graded Density Gold Foams
Construction of Solar Cells from Colloidal Nanocrystals through Electrophoretic Deposition
Directly Probing Spin Fluctuations in Quantum Spin Liquids with X-Ray Free Electron Lasers
Unraveling Force Chains and Failure in Granular Materials
Nanometer-Particle Colloid Capsule Composites
Strategic Initiative
A New Science-based Paradigm Enabling Microstructure-Tailored Additive Manufacturing of Metals
Developing and Characterizing New Tools for Actinide Processing Science
Enhanced Coherence for Quantum Sensing and Simulation
Bioscience and Bioengineering
Exploratory Research
A Computational Approach to Improve Prediction of Off-Target Drug Binding Using Membrane Bilayer Effects
A Handheld Medical Diagnostic Device for Harsh Environments
An Experimental Platform and Model for Tumor Growth and Response to Therapeutics
Bioprinting Breast Cancer In Situ to Study Cell Communication in Disease Progression
Characterizing Host–“Pathogen Immunity Gut–“Brain Interactions
Computational Design of Broadly Neutralizing Vaccines for Highly Mutable Pathogens
Construction of Genetic Sense-and-Respond Modules to Detect Viral Infection
Detection of Upwind Pathogens Using Aircraft and Ground Stations
Engineering a Therapeutic Microbe for Infection-Site Delivery of Encapsulated Antimicrobial Peptides
Longitudinal Monitoring of Ribonucleic Acid Content of a Live Cell with a Nanotube Pore Interface
Microbial Characterization of Combat-Patient Wounds to Improve Healing
Multimodal Learning on Big Brain Data
Optical Interconnect for High-Density Neural Signals
Stable Isotope Probing and Viromics: Quantifying Virus-Host and Carbon Cycling Dynamics in Soil with Isotope-Targeted Metagenomics
Synthetic Biology and Computational Modeling for Prediction of Viral Virulence
The Engineered Micro-Sensor Array
Feasibility Studies
Brain Connectomics: Opportunities for High-Performance Computing
Exploring Growth Rate and Pathogenicity in Pathogens
Exploring the Use of Cell Wall Binding Domains to Purify Gram-Negative Bacteria from Bodily Fluids
New Approaches for Manufacturing and Evaluating Novel Bio-Inspired Materials
Lab-Wide Competitions
A Machine Learning System to Guide Clinical Procedures in Real-Time
Catching Villains: Finding Single Cells Responsible for Cancer Drug Resistance and Metastasis
Innate Persistence of Human Immune Memory T Cells
Investigating the Role of Innate Immunity in Viral Encephalitis Caused by Rift Valley Fever Virus
Nanometer-Scale, Particle-Based Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment
Protein Factory on a Chip for Rapid Therapeutics
Rapid Detection of Candidates for Vaccines Against Biothreat Agents
Real-Time Exhaled Breath Analysis for Biosecurity and Biomedicine
The Mechanochemical Genesis of Prebiotics
Toward Artificial Neurons: Biomimetic Signal Propagation in Synthetic Nanochannel Systems
Strategic Initiative
An Investigational Platform of the Human Brain for Understanding Complex Neural Function
Chemical and Biological Countermeasures
Exploratory Research
Learning Interactions in Complex Biological Systems
Cybersecurity and Cyber–Physical Resilience
Exploratory Research
A Quantitative Methodology for Measuring Cyber Risk to Critical Infrastructure
Control of Superconducting Quantum Circuits
Predictive Modeling of Correlated Poise in Superconducting Circuits
Directed Energy
Exploratory Research
A Compact High-Power, Radio-Frequency Directed-Energy Source
Advanced Laser Diode Packaging
Exploring Laser Directed-Energy Lethality and Vulnerability
New Framework to Prevent Catastrophic Damage to Laser Diodes
Optically Safer, Power-Scalable Laser Systems for Defense Applications
Earth and Atmospheric Science
Exploratory Research
Advancing Measurements and Understanding of the Rate and Structure of Atmospheric Warming
Detection and Attribution of Climate-Driven Impacts on Crop Fields
Integrating Climate Simulations and Paleontology Data to Constrain California Drought Risks
Measuring Atmospheric Gas Using Small Satellites
Probabilistic Predictions and Uncertainty Estimation for Radiological and Nuclear Effects Modeling
Uncovering the Origins of the Solar System with Cosmochemical Forensics
Lab-Wide Competitions
Improving Subsurface Fluid Characterization by Coupling Seismic and Electromagnetic Phenomena
Energy and Resource Security
Exploratory Research
Accelerated Discovery of Advanced Combustion Fuels
Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Liquids at Liquid-Solid Interfaces
Fiber-Optic Acoustic Sensors for Geophysical Applications
Fullerene-Grafted Graphene as an Electrical Energy Storage Material
High-Fidelity Fracture Model for Hydraulically Fractured Shale Reservoirs
Feasibility Studies
Determining the Rate of Patural Carbonate Precipitation Using Bomb-Pulse Radiocarbon Dating
Developing a Carbon Model for the U.S. Economy
Enhanced Removal of Inorganic Carbon from Seawater: A Carbon Mitigation Feasibility Study
Printed Biocatalysts for Patural Gas Upgrading
Lab-Wide Competitions
Hierarchical Nanometer-Scale Porous Copper Flow-Through Electrodes for Efficient Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Structure of Ionic Liquids Under Panoconfinement in Energy Applications
Forensic Science
Exploratory Research
Pioneering Stable Isotope Signatures of Nuclear Proliferation
Feasibility Studies
Long-Term Biomarkers of Chemical Agent Exposure
Strategic Initiative
Published Protein Based Human Identification
High-Energy-Density Science
Exploratory Research
A High-Fluence, High-Energy X-Ray Source Using Laser–“Plasma Instabilities
A Short-Pulse, Laser-Driven Particle Beam Capability
Accurate Temperature Determination from X-Ray Diffraction and Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Measurements
An Optical Interferometry Diagnostic for Hohlraum Plasma Characterization Experiments on the National Ignition Facility
Defining the Direction of Nuclear-Plasma Interaction Research at the National Ignition Facility
Effects of Magnetic Fields on Transport in Laser-Driven Ponequilibrium Plasmas
Effects of Pressure-Induced Ionization Potential Depression on Material Properties
Exploring Deuterium-Tritium Gas-Filled Hohlraums as a High-Field Neutron Source
Exploring Laser-Produced Relativistic Pair Plasma Jets
Extending Laser-Driven X-Ray Sources to High-Energy-Density Science Facilities
Foams in Hohlraums
High-Fidelity Kinetic Modeling of Plasmas in Z-Pinch and Pulsed-Power Configurations
High-Pressure Thermal Conductivity of Iron
Hybrid Drive on the National Ignition Facility
Imaging Dynamics of Defects Far from Equilibrium
Improving Density Functional Theory for Warm Dense Matter
In Situ Probes of Granular Media Under Compression
Investigation of Ultrahigh-Pressure Phase Transitions in Metals with a Toroidal Diamond Anvil Cell
Kinetics of Incipient Stages of Phase Transitions
Measuring Astrophysically Relevant Reaction Rates in a High-Energy-Density Laboratory
Measuring the Asymptotic Behavior of Self-Generated B Magnetic Fields in a Hohlraum Geometry
Metal Ejecta: Transport, Interaction, and Recollection
Metallic Helium at Extreme Density Inside Giant Planets and White Dwarf Stars
Microphysics Studies of Hohlraum Dynamics
New Quantum Simulation Capability for Ultrahigh-Temperature, High-Energy-Density Science
Next-Generation Hohlraums for High Coupling Efficiency
Numerical Simulations of Dust-Grain Collisions with Interstellar Spacecraft
Pressure Ionization in Ultra-High-Density Plasmas
Probing Liquid Phases and f-Electron Systems at the Dynamic Compression Sector
Probing the Interface Stability of Implosions
Quantum Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Electronic Transport in Nonlinear Regimes
Simulating Magnetized Particle Dynamics in Z-Pinch Plasmas
Simulations of Interpenetrating Plasmas
Study of Iron K-Alpha Spectra in a Compact X-Ray Atmosphere
Study of Kinetic Plasma Dynamics and Field Degradation in Inertial Confinement Fusion
The Design of a Solid-State Streak Detector
Understanding Plasma Divertor Detachment in Fusion Power Reactors
X-Ray Optics Solutions for Studying Mesoscale Science
Feasibility Studies
Exploring the Feasibility of Using Corona Fusion Targets for Studying Plasma Interpenetration and Electron-Ion Equilibration
Laser-Driven Megavolt X-Ray and Neutron Source Optimization
One-Step Drop Generation of Low-Density Foam Shells
Thermal Conductivity Measurements in Convergent Geometry
High-Explosives Physics, Chemistry, and Material Science
Exploratory Research
Characterizing Carbon Pucleation in Shocked Energetic Materials
Controlling Detonative Phenomena with High-Explosives Material Architecture
Strategic Initiative
Unlocking the Mysteries of High-Explosive Science
High-Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
Exploratory Research
Advanced Adaptive Optics Algorithms for Astronomical and X-Ray Applications
Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioners for Scalable Simulation of Reservoir Geomechanics and Multiphase Flow
Computational Framework for Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Management of Large-Dimensional Dynamics Models
Deep Multitask Learning for Predictive Oncology
Dependency Resolution for High-Performance Computing Software
Detecting Data Races in High-Performance Computing
Failure Recovery Abstractions for Large-Scale Parallel Applications
High-Dimensional Spectral-Sampling Techniques
Improving Simulation Workflows: A Data Analytics Approach
In-Memory Associative Indexing: An Approach to Efficient High-Performance Computing
Integration of Quantification of Margins and Uncertainties Methodology into Parallel Discrete Event Simulator Framework
Methods for Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Modeling Spatial and Temporal Coupling in High-Contrast Laser Grating Compressors
Modeling Thermal and Quantum Magnetic Fluctuations in Correlated Materials
Multiple-Rate Integrators for Differential Equations
Projection-Based Model Reduction with Applications in Transport and Hydrodynamics Simulation
Real-Time Decision Making in Swarm Situations Using Belief Networks
Robust Decentralized Signal Processing and Distributed Control of Autonomous Sensor Networks
Selective Removal of Ions from Aqueous Solutions
Simulation of Biased Random Walks in an Asynchronous Graph Framework
The Development of High-Order Interface Tracking Schemes for the Simulation of Multiphase Flows
Topology Optimization of Multifunctional Materials
XPlacer: Extensible and Portable Optimizations of Data Placement in Memory
Feasibility Studies
Compressed Numerics to Reduce Data Movement in Numerical Simulations
Engineering a Quantum Methuselah Using Phononic Band Gaps
Optimizing Application Performance in Multi-Constraint Computing Environments
Povel Methods for Predicting Properties of Complex Reactive Solid Interfaces
Lab-Wide Competitions
Discovering Phase Behavior of Materials Interfaces with Evolutionary Algorithms
Strategic Initiative
Computational Design Automation
Large-Scale Multimodal Deep Learning for Nuclear Nonproliferation Analysis
Learning-Based Predictive Models: A Pew Approach to Integrating Large-Scale Simulations and Experiments
Variable Precision Computing
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
Exploratory Research
Active Adaptive Control of High-Energy, High-Repetition-Rate, Short-Pulse Lasers
Anti-Reflective Meta-Surfaces for High-Power Lasers
Arbitrary Control and Characterization of Laser Waveforms and Interactions at Picosecond Resolution over Long Record Lengths
ARCHER: Advanced Radiographic Capability–High Energy and Resolution
Energy Scaling of Thin-Disk Lasers
Enhanced Surface Laser-Damage Resistance of Nonlinear Crystals
HDRScope--The High Dynamic-Range Oscilloscope
Laser Beam Propagation Through Deep Turbulence
Mechanisms of Pulsed-Laser Ablation, Damage, and Failure in Various Classes of Materials
Minimizing Absorption on Optical Surfaces of Gas Lasers
Planar Ceramic Light Guides for Solar Concentrators and Laser Amplifiers
Plasma Photonics: Manipulating Light Using Plasmas
Science of Finishing of Novel Optical Materials
Technologies for High-Energy, Short-Pulse Laser Systems Beyond the Kilowatt Barrier
Feasibility Studies
Agile, Compact Monolithic Beam Director
Plasmonic Control of Short Pulses in Optical Fibers
Lab-Wide Competitions
Extreme Nonlinear Optics of Plasmas
Strategic Initiative
Advanced Multilayer Systems for National Security
Fabrication of Functionally Graded Optical Components Using Additive Manufacturing
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science & Technology
Strategic Initiative
The New Frontier of Nuclear Science: Nuclear Reactions and Radiochemistry at the National Ignition Facility
Exploratory Research
An Alternative Rare-Event Detector
Developing Photonuclear Experimental Capabilities for Nuclear Science and Security
Laying the Foundation for a Predictive Theory of Electroweak Nuclear Phenomena
Nucleosynthesis for Science and Security
Probabilistic Modeling for Nuclear Fission and Heavy-Ion Collisions
The Next Breakthroughs in Neutrino Physics
The Origins of Matter on Near-Exascale Supercomputing
Feasibility Studies
Additive Manufacturing of Post-Detonation Surrogate Debris Reference Materials
Beyond Binary Reactions: A Generalized Microscopic R-Matrix Theory with Two- and Three-Particle Asymptotic Configurations
Feasibility of Low-Energy Nuclear Physics Research Using Livermore Capabilities and Beams at Other Facilities
Micro-Optical Gas Sensors
Lab-Wide Competitions
Building a Predictive Fission-Rate Model
Development of Integrated Systems for Discovering the Chemical Properties of the Heaviest Elements
Event-by-Event Determination of Antineutrino Direction
Modernizing the Fission Basis
Probing Photon Fusion for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider Using Proton Tagging
Towards the World's First Nuclear Clock
Nuclear Threat Reduction
Exploratory Research
Modeling Nuclear Cloud Rise and Fallout in Complex Environments
Feasibility Studies
Experimental Determination of the Uranium-239 Neutron Capture Reaction by Measurement of Uranium-240 by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
Short-Pulse Laser Ablation of Energetic Materials for Threat Object Interrogation
Vapor-Phase Spectroscopy of High-Explosives Chemistry with Tritium and Depleted Uranium
Nuclear Weapons Science
Exploratory Research
Deformation Mechanisms in Body-Centered Cubic Metals at High Pressures and Strain Rates
Direct Measurement of Mass-Temperature Distributions in the Core of Implosions on the National Ignition Facility
Emerging Radiography and Potential Diagnostic Applications
Flash X-Ray Computed Tomography for 3D Characterization of Explosive Performance
High-Order Finite Elements for Thermal Radiative Transfer on Curved Meshes
Inferring Nuclear Fireball Properties from Experimental Data
Quantifying Uncertainties of Microscopic Nuclear Theories
Feasibility Studies
Development of a Low-Cost High-Throughput Ejecta Drive
Exploratory Design Study Towards the First Plasma-Electron Screening Experiment
Feasibility of Predicting the Characteristics of the Ultraviolet, Visible, and Infrared Emissions from a Nuclear Explosion
Flexible Nondestructive Inspection for Multilayer Metallic Structures
Space Security
Exploratory Research
A Search for Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Dark Matter
Decoding the X-Ray Cipher of the Universe in the Laboratory
Design and Optimization of Compact Multi-Mission Telescopes
Image Analysis for Dark Energy and Space Surveillance Applications
Next-Generation Search for Solar Axion Dark Matter with the International Axion Observatory
Positioning, Navigation, and Timing with High-Accuracy Astrometry
Feasibility Studies
Machine-Based Quantification of Satellite Image Quality
Director's Statement
How to Read This Report
The Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program at LLNL
Alignment with DOE, NNSA, and Laboratory Missions
Topics of Inquiry
Types of Projects
Structure of the FY18 Portfolio
Research Highlights
Awards and Recognition
LDRD on Journal Covers (and TV)
The Long-Term Impacts of LDRD Investments: Centers for Strategic Partnerships
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
Advanced Synthesis and Characterization Techniques for Ultrahard Film Growth
Energetic Ligands for High-Power Metal Complexes
Physics of Laser-Assisted Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Microstructure Evolution During Rapid Solidification: In Situ Characterization and Mesoscale Modeling
Accelerated Development of Multiscale Materials
Rational Design and Optimization of Additively Manufactured Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Composites
Manipulating Optical and Electromagnetic Properties Through Hierarchical Metamaterials
X-Ray Pump-and-Probe Experiments with a Free-Electron Laser
Freeze-Drying Aerosols: A Facile Route to Metal Particles with Nanometer-Scale Pores
Building Computerized Tomography Tools for Precision Additive Manufacturing
Materials Informatics for Synthesis, Optimization, and Scale-Up of Advanced Materials
Mesocrystal Architectures
Simulating X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Experiments for High-Energy-Density Science
Parallel Two-Photon Polymerization for Sub-Micrometer Additive Manufacturing
Radiation Processes in Nanometer-Scale Foams
Coating Hollow Objects with Uniform Low-Density Films
Electron-Beam-Induced Deposition of Boron Films
Directed Assembly of Block Copolymers for Optical Metamaterials at Visible Wavelengths
Enhanced Coherence for Quantum Sensing and Simulation
Understanding Material Strength Variabilities and Uncertainties for Component Qualification
Quantum Levitation of Fuel Capsules for Inertial-Confinement Fusion
In Situ Diagnostics for Accelerated Fabrication and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials
Electrodeposition of Gradient-Density Metal Films from Ionic Liquids
Film Growth Dynamics During Pulsed Sputter Deposition
A Diamond Total-Internal-Reflection Photoconductive Switch
Discrete Polycrsytal Plasticity Simulator Mid Career Award
Effects of Surface Defects on the Catalytic Activity of Semiconductors for Charge-Transfer Reactions in Liquids
Three-Dimensional Fabrication by Tomographic Holographic Lithography
Direct Ink Writing of Bulk Metallic Glasses
Material Logic
Additive Manufacturing of Nanometer-Scale Porous Metals
Nanometer-Particle Colloid Capsule Composites
Bioscience and Bioengineering
Analysis of a Metabolically Engineered Microbial Consortium for Optimal Production of Biofuels
Unraveling the Burkholderia Pathogen Infection
Engineering Bacterial Cell-Like Compartments as Platforms for Synthetic Biology
Characterizing Host-Pathogen Immunity Gut-Brain Interactions
Modeling Tissue Membranes
Simultaneous Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Gastrointestinal System Monitoring
A "Peacock" Platform for Recording Cardiac Tissue Force
Enhancing Nitrogen Uptake in Sustainable Biofuels with Microbes
Engineering a Therapeutic Microbe for Infection-Site Delivery of Encapsulated Antimicrobial Peptides
Microbial Characterization of Combat-Patient Wounds to Improve Healing
Three-Dimensional Bio-Printed Microenvironments for Studying Cancer Metastasis
Using Population Genomics to Improve Genome Editing
Engineered and Instrumented 3D Tumor-Immune Model System
Investigating the Role of Innate Immunity in Viral Encephalitis Caused by Rift Valley Fever Virus
Nanometer-Scale, Particle-Based Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment
An Investigational Platform of the Human Brain for Understanding Complex Neural Function
Chemical and Biological Security
Development of a Virtual Human Heart to Predict the Pharmacology of Novel Drugs
The Engineered Micro-Sensor Array
Modeling Mutagenic Chain Reactions in Natural Ecosystems
Approaches for Calibrating Agent-Based Models to Data
Biosensors for Sensitive and Cost-Effective Detection of Uranium Contamination
Synthetic Biology and Computational Modeling for Prediction of Viral Virulence
Learning Interactions in Complex Biological Systems
Computational Design of Broadly Neutralizing Vaccines for Highly Mutable Pathogens
Real-Time Exhaled Breath Analysis for Biosecurity and Biomedicine
Cyber Security, Space, and Intelligence
All-Source Data Fusion for Detecting and Monitoring Threats on a Global Scale
Integrated Physics-Based Noise Modeling of Qubit Devices
Image Analysis for Dark Energy and Space Surveillance Applications
Decoding the X-Ray Cipher of the Universe in the Laboratory
Forensic Science of Genetically Variant Peptides
Next-Generation Search for Solar Axion Dark Matter with the International Axion Observatory
Measuring Atmospheric Gas Using Small Satellites
Real-Time Decision Making in Swarm Situations Using Belief Networks
A Search for Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Dark Matter
Large-Scale Multimodal Deep Learning for Nuclear Nonproliferation Analysis
Earth and Atmospheric Science
In Situ Probes of Granular Media Under Compression
Uncovering the Origins of the Solar System with Cosmochemical Forensics
Fiber-Optic Acoustic Sensors for Geophysical Applications
Probabilistic Predictions and Uncertainty Estimation for Radiological and Nuclear Effects Modeling
Antropogenic radionuclide transient tracers: Model diagnostics and timescales of the redistribution of heat and carbon by the ocean.
Unraveling Force Chains and Failure in Granular Materials
Improving Subsurface Fluid Characterization by Coupling Seismic and Electromagnetic Phenomena
Energy and Climate Security
Dynamic Stimulation of Geologic Resources
Optimizing Engineered Flow-Through Electrodes for Energy Applications
Decomposition Methods for Power Grid Optimization
Increasing Capacity of Flow-Through Electrode Capacitive Desalination with Phased Charging
Accelerated Discovery of Advanced Combustion Fuels
High-Fidelity Fracture Model for Hydraulically Fractured Shale Reservoirs
A Quantitative Methodology for Measuring Cyber Risk to Critical Infrastructure
A Flue-Temperature Carbon Dioxide Separation Membrane
Fullerene-Grafted Graphene as an Electrical Energy Storage Material
Integrating Climate Simulations and Paleontology Data to Constrain California Drought Risks
Planar Ceramic Light Guides for Solar Concentrators and Laser Amplifiers
Detection and Attribution of Climate-Driven Impacts on Crop Yields
A Quantitative Methodology for Measuring Cyber Risk to Critical Infrastructure
Large-Scale Energy Storage in the Earth
Optical Fibers for Water Treatment
Printed Biocatalysts for Natural Gas Upgrading
Hierarchical Nanometer-Scale Porous Copper Flow-Through Electrodes for Efficient Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Applying Inverse Sheath Theory to Plasma–Surface Interactions in Magnetic Fusion and Space Plasmas
High-Energy-Density Science
Melting and Solidification in Multicomponent Materials: Constraints on the Search for Habitable Planets
Quantum Simulations for Strongly Correlated Materials with High Atomic Numbers
X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Science for High-Energy-Density Experiments
Creation and Study of Ultrahigh-Energy-Density Matter Using Nanometer-Scale Structured Targets
Advanced Fusion Target-Capsule Concepts
Coupling Monte Carlo Neutral and Fluid Plasma Models for Edge Simulation in Magnetic Fusion
Collisionless Shock Formation in Laser-Generated Plasma Streams
New Quantum Simulation Capability for Ultrahigh-Temperature, High-Energy-Density Science
Extending Laser-Driven X-Ray Sources to High-Energy-Density Science Facilities
Exploring Laser-Produced Relativistic Pair Plasma Jets
Kinetics of Incipient Stages of Phase Transitions
Understanding Plasma Divertor Detachment in Fusion Power Reactors
Effects of Pressure-Induced Ionization Potential Depression on Material Properties
Effects of Magnetic Fields on Transport in Laser-Driven Nonequilibrium Plasmas
The Design of a Solid-State Streak Detector
Investigation of Ultrahigh-Pressure Phase Transitions in Metals with a Toroidal Diamond Anvil Cell
A Short-Pulse, Laser-Driven Particle Beam Capability
An Optical Interferometry Diagnostic for Hohlraum Plasma Characterization Experiments on the National Ignition Facility
High-Pressure Thermal Conductivity of Iron
Study of Iron K-Alpha Spectra in a Compact X-Ray Atmosphere
Simulations of Interpenetrating Plasmas
Measuring the Asymptotic Behavior of Self-Generated 'B' Magnetic Fields in a Hohlraum Geometry
Metallic Helium at Extreme Density Inside Giant Planets and White Dwarf Stars
Probing the Interface Stability of Implosions
Numerical Simulations of Dust-Grain Collisions with Interstellar Spacecraft
A High-Fluence, High-Energy X-Ray Source Using Laser–Plasma Instabilities
Measuring Astrophysically Relevant Reaction Rates in a High-Energy-Density Laboratory
Foams in Hohlraums
Next-Generation Hohlraums for High Coupling Efficiency
Identification and Analysis of Temperature Gradients in X-Ray Spectroscopic Data
Thermal Conductivity Measurements in Convergent Geometry
High-Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
Integrated Mesoscale Approach for Predicting Ionic Conductivity in Solid Electrolytes
Projection-Based Model Reduction with Applications in Transport and Hydrodynamics Simulation
New Computational Methods for Scalable Genome Variation Discovery
Acceleration of Ptychographic Microscopy Reconstruction
Algorithm for First-Principles Molecular Dynamics of Metals at Extreme Scales
Failure Recovery Abstractions for Large-Scale Parallel Applications
Predictive Models Based on Disjointed Feature Sets for Applications in Biomedicine and Cyber Security
Validating Large Fluid-Dynamics Simulations of Complex Geometries with Three-Dimensional Printing
In-Memory Associative Indexing
Modeling Spatial and Temporal Coupling in High-Contrast Grating Compressors Utilizing High-Performance Computing
Computational Framework for Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Management of Large-Dimensional Dynamics Models
Topology Optimization of Multifunctional Materials
Multimodal Learning on Big Brain Data
Improving Simulation Workflows: A Data Analytics Approach
High-Dimensional Spectral-Sampling Techniques
Detecting Data-Races in High-Performance Computing
Simulation of Biased Random Walks in an Asynchronous Graph Framework
Multiple-Rate Integrators for Differential Equations
Rapid Closed-Loop Control of Additive Manufacturing with Machine Learning
Advanced Adaptive Optics Algorithms for Astronomical and X-ray Applications
Exploring Laser Directed-Energy Lethality and Vulnerability
Robust Decentralized Signal Processing and Distributed Control of Autonomous Sensor Networks
Optimizing Application Performance in Multi-Constraint Computing Environments
Discovering Phase Behavior of Materials Interfaces with Evolutionary Algorithms
Variable Precision Computing
Computational Design Automation
Inertial Fusion Science and Technology
High-Temperature Plasma-Chemistry Kinetics Test Bed
Chemically Stable and Optically Transparent Vapor-Deposited Plastics
Liquid Condensation and Solidification Behavior of Hydrogen Isotopes in Foams
Microphysics Studies of Hohlraum Dynamics
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
Single-Shot Optical Recorder with Picosecond Resolution and Nanosecond Record Length
Next-Generation Films for High-Performance Optoelectronics Applications
Compton-Scattering X-Ray Generation from Compact X-Band Accelerators
Mechanisms of Pulsed-Laser Ablation, Damage, and Failure in Various Classes of Materials
Efficient, High-Power Mid-Infrared Laser for National Security and Scientific Applications
Active Adaptive Control of High-Energy, High-Repetition-Rate, Short-Pulse Lasers
HDRScope-The High Dynamic-Range Oscilloscope
Laser Beam Propagation Through Deep Turbulence
Improved Coupling of Laser Energy to Targets
Extreme Nonlinear Optics of Plasmas
Fabrication of Functionally Graded Optical Components Using Additive Manufacturing
Enhanced Surface Laser-Damage Resistance of Nonlinear Crystals
Science of Finishing of Novel Optical Materials
Technologies for High-Energy, Short-Pulse Laser Systems Beyond the Kilowatt Barrier
Optically Safer, Power-Scalable Laser Systems for Defense Applications
Advanced Laser Diode Packaging
New Framework to Prevent Catastrophic Damage to Laser Diodes
A Compact High-Power, Radio-Frequency Directed-Energy Source
ARCHER: Advanced Radiographic Capability–High Energy and Resolution
Plasmonic Control of Short Pulses in Optical Fibers
Advanced Multilayer Systems for National Security
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science and Technology
Answering Fundamental Physics Questions with the Neutrino
Neutrino Science with a Kiloton-Scale Water Detector
Tracking Water through the Critical Zone to Assess Drought Vulnerability
New Physics from Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider
Inferring Nuclear Fireball Properties from Experimental Data
Nucleosynthesis for Science and Security
Using Short-Lived Cosmogenic Isotopes to Determine the Age of Underground Tunnels
Radon Collection for Electric Dipole Measurements
Measurement of Uranium Decay Rates to Advance Nuclear Forensics Chronology
The New Frontier of Nuclear Science: Nuclear Reactions and Radiochemistry at the National Ignition Facility
The Origins of Matter on Near-Exascale Supercomputing
An Alternative Rare-Event Detector
Probabilistic Modeling for Nuclear Fission and Heavy-Ion Collisions
Feasibility of Low-Energy Nuclear Physics Research Using LLNL Capabilities and SARAF Beams
Achieving the Ultimate Sensitivity for Dark Matter Detectors
Modernizing the Fission Basis
Development of Integrated Systems for Discovering the Chemical Properties of the Heaviest Elements
Event-by-Event Determination of Antineutrino Direction
Stockpile Stewardship Science
Precision Gamma-Ray Signatures for Long-Lived Radioactive Nuclei
A Dense-Plasma Focus Device as a Compact Neutron Source
Application-Driven Research into Multiscale Modeling of Laser-Plasma Interactions
Single-Shock Platform for Activation Studies with a Prompt Source of Fast Neutrons
Transport and the Equation of State for Asymmetric Plasma Mixtures
Self-Consistent, Three-Dimensional Calculations of Electromagnetic Pulse Propagation
Controlling Detonative Phenomena with High-Explosives Material Architecture
Deformation Mechanisms in Body-Centered Cubic Metals at High Pressures and Strain Rates
Prebiotic Self-Assembly Reactions in Astrophysical Icy Materials
Characterizing Carbon Nucleation in Shocked Energetic Materials
Multispectral X-Ray Computed Tomography
Modeling Thermal and Quantum Magnetic Fluctuations in Correlated Materials
Director’s Statement
About the FY2016 Laboratory Directed Research and Development Annual Report
The LDRD Program at Livermore
Context for the FY16 Portfolio
Structure of the FY16 Portfolio
Research Highlights
Awards and Recognition
Journal Covers
Strategic Partnerships and Technology Transfer
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
Accelerated Development of Multiscale Materials
Advanced Synthesis and Characterization Techniques for Ultrahard Film Growth
Building Computerized Tomography Tools for Precision Additive Manufacturing
Coating Hollow Objects with Uniform Low-Density Films
Deterministic Multifunctional Materials and Manufacturing Initiative
Detonation Capability and X-Ray Signatures of Advanced Manufactured High Explosives
Directed Assembly of Block Copolymers for Optical Metamaterials at Visible Wavelengths
Electron-Beam-Induced Deposition of Boron Films
Energetic Ligands for High-Power Metal Complexes
Enhanced Coherence for Quantum Sensing and Simulation
Extending Atomistic Simulation to Mesoscale in Time and Length
Freeze-Drying Aerosols: A Facile Route to Metal Particles with Nanometer-Scale Pores
From Topological Surfaces to Magnetic Collapse of f-Shell Electron Quantum Materials
High-Powered-Impulse Magnetron Sputtering for Creating Optical Films
In Situ Imaging of Particle Formation and Dynamics in Reactive Material Deflagrations
Liquid-Cell Electrochemical Transmission Electron Microscope
Manipulating Optical and Electromagnetic Properties Through Hierarchical Metamaterials
Materials Informatics for Synthesis, Optimization and Scale-Up of Functional Materials
Mesoscale Crystal Architectures
Microstructure Evolution During Rapid Solidification: In Situ Characterization and Mesoscale Modeling
Modeling Materials Under Strongly Driven Conditions
Multifunctional Metamaterials
Optimal Fabrication Methodologies for Additive Manufacturing
Optimizing Engineered Flow-Through Electrodes for Energy Applications
Parallel Two-Photon Polymerization for Submicron Additive Manufacturing
Physics of Laser-Assisted Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Radiation Processes in Nanometer-Scale Foams
Rational Design and Optimization of Additively Manufactured Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Composites
Spin-Based Broadband Terahertz Radiation from Topological Insulators
Structural Freestanding Films with Atomic-Scale Thickness
Tailoring Material Properties Using Modulated Laser Beams
Total Internal-Reflection Photoconductive Switch
Ultralight Mechanical Metamaterials with Ordered Hierarchies
X-Ray Pump-and-Probe Experiments with a Free-Electron Laser
Bioscience and Bioengineering
A "Peacock" Platform for Recording Cardiac Tissue Force
Analysis of a Metabolically Engineered Microbial Consortium for Optimal Production of Biofuels
Approaches for Calibrating Agent-Based Models to Data
Biological Printing of Vasculature for Artificially Grown Tissue
Characterizing Host–Pathogen Immunity Gut–Brain Interactions
Detection of Novel Infectious Agents from Clinical Samples via IgM and TLR3 Capture
Engineering Bacterial Cell-Like Compartments as Platforms for Synthetic Biology
Enhancing Nitrogen Uptake in Sustainable Biofuels With Microbes
Hydrogen Production with Hydrogenase Enzymes Using Nanometer-Scale Lipoprotein Particles
In Vitro Chip-Based Human Investigational Platform
Modeling Tissue Membranes
Nanometer-Scale Particle Platform for Drug Delivery to the Brain
New Steady-State Viral Culturing Platform for Infectious-Disease Therapeutics
Simultaneous Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Gastrointestinal System Monitoring
Thermocavitation Biological Sample Processing for Cellular Lysis
Unraveling the Burkholderia Pathogen Infection
Chemical and Biological Security
A Virtual Human Heart to Predict Pharmacology of Novel Drugs
Biosensors for Sensitive and Cost-Effective Detection of Uranium Contamination
Cyclodextrin-Based Nanometer-Scale Scaffolds for Capture and Catalytic Degradation of Chemical Warfare Agents
Modeling Mutagenic Chain Reactions in Natural Ecosystems
Rapid Detection and Characterization of Emerging Foreign Animal Disease Pathogens
The Engineered Microsensor Array
Cyber Security, Space, and Intelligence
Advanced Manufacturing Approaches for Long-Wave Diffraction Gratings
All-Source Data Fusion for Detecting and Monitoring Threats on a Global Scale
Cooperative Constellations: Resilient, Persistent, and Flexible Satellite Systems
Decoding the X-Ray Cipher of the Universe in the Laboratory
Forensic Science of Genetically Variant Peptides
Image Analysis for Dark Energy and Space Surveillance Applications
Improved Sensor Performance Using Innovative Algorithms
Integrated Physics-Based Noise Modeling of Qubit Devices
Earth and Atmospheric Science
In Situ Probes of Granular Media Under Compression
Energy and Climate Security
A Flue-Temperature Carbon Dioxide Separation Membrane
A Quantitative Methodology for Measuring Cyber Risk to Critical Infrastructure
Accelerated Discovery of Advanced Combustion Fuels
Decomposition Methods for Power Grid Optimization
Detecting and Partitioning Carbon Dioxide Fluxes
Dynamic Stimulation of Geologic Resources
Enabling Multiscale Simulations of Atmospheric Flow over Complex Terrain in Earth System Models
Enzyme-Embedded, Microstructural Reactors for Industrial Biocatalysis
High-Fidelity Fracture Model for Hydraulically Fractured Shale Reservoirs
Increasing Capacity of Flow-Through Electrode Capacitive Desalination with Phased Charging
Real-Time Microseismic Processing for Induced Seismicity Hazard Detection
Room-Temperature Liquid Semiconductors
Statistical and Dynamical Approaches to Probabilistic Decadal Climate Prediction
High-Energy-Density Science
A Compressed Ultrafast Photography Diagnostic for Laser-Driven Experiments
Advanced Fusion Target-Capsule Concepts
Advancing Static Ultrahigh Pressures with Focused Ion-Beam Toroidal Anvils
Collisionless Shock Formation in Laser-Generated Plasma Streams
Coupling Monte Carlo Neutral and Fluid Plasma Models for Edge Simulation in Magnetic Fusion
Creation and Study of Ultrahigh-Energy-Density Matter Using Nanometer-Scale Structured Targets
Extending Laser-Driven X-Ray Sources to High-Energy-Density Science Facilities
Hydrogen Diffusion in Earth’s Upper Mantle
Melting and Solidification in Multicomponent Materials: Constraints on the Search for Habitable Planets
New Quantum Simulation Capability for Ultrahigh-Temperature, High-Energy-Density Science
Particle Acceleration from Laser-Driven Collisionless Shocks
Physical States and Processes in Inertial Confinement Fusion: Matter at Extreme Energy Density
Plasma Interactions with Mixed Materials and Impurity Transport
Quantum Simulations for Strongly Correlated Materials with High Atomic Numbers
Simulating X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Experiments for High-Energy-Density Science
Ultrafast Absorption Spectroscopy of Aluminum Plasmas
Vibrational and Optical Properties of High-Pressure Hydrogen from First Principles
X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Science for High-Energy-Density Experiments
High-Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
A Coupled Seismic and Acoustic Simulation Capability
Acceleration of Ptychographic Microscopy Reconstruction
Algorithm for First-Principles Molecular Dynamics of Metals at Extreme Scales
An Extreme-Scale Computational Framework for Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Management of Large-Dimensional Dynamics Models
Atmospheric Source Reconstruction with Uncertainty Quantification
Computation Power at Scale
Exploiting the Gemini Planet Imager: Revolutionary Exoplanet Science and Advanced Adaptive Optics
Failure Recovery Abstractions for Large-Scale Parallel Applications
Improving Simulation Workflows: A Data Analytics Approach
In-Memory Associative Indexing
Integrated Mesoscale Approach for Predicting Ionic Conductivity in Solid Electrolytes
Modeling Spatial and Temporal Coupling in High-Contrast Grating Compressors Utilizing High-Performance Computing
Multimodal Learning on Big Brain Data
New Computational Methods for Scalable Genome Variation Discovery
Numerical Performance and Parallel Scalability of Multi-Rate Integrators Based on Discrete-Event Simulation
Parallel Time Integration for High-Performance Computing
Planetary-Scale Agent Simulations
Predictive Models Based on Disjointed Feature Sets for Applications in Biomedicine and Cyber Security
Scalable Computational Learning Architectures
Scalable High-Order Computational Multiphysics at Extreme Scale
Simulation of Biased Random Walks in an Asynchronous Graph Framework: Walks on Dynamic Graphs
The Livermore Brain: Massive Deep-Learning Networks Enabled by High-Performance Computing
Topology Optimization of Multifunctional Materials
Unified Description of Quantum Many-Body Systems
Unum Computing: A Novel Approach for Enabling High-Performance Computing Environments
Validating Large Fluid-Dynamics Simulations of Complex Geometries with Three-Dimensional Printing
Inertial Fusion Science and Technology
Chemically Stable and Optically Transparent Vapor-Deposited Plastics
High-Temperature Plasma-Chemistry Kinetics Test Bed
Liquid Condensation and Solidification Behavior of Hydrogen Isotopes in Foams
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
A New Architectural Approach for Diode-Pumped Advective-Cooling Gas Lasers
Active Adaptive Control of High-Energy, High-Repetition-Rate, Short-Pulse Lasers
Compton-Scattering X-Ray Generation from Compact X-Band Accelerators
Efficient, High-Power Mid-Infrared Laser for National Security and Scientific Applications
Extreme Nonlinear Optics of Plasmas
Fabrication of Functionally Graded Optical Components Using Additive Manufacturing
HDRScope—The High Dynamic-Range Oscilloscope
High-Average-Power Diffraction Pulse-Compression Gratings Enabling Next-Generation Ultrafast Laser Systems
Improved Coupling of Laser Energy to Targets
Laser Beam Propagation Through Deep Turbulence
Laser–Matter Coupling Mechanisms Under Varying Chemical and Particulate Surface Configurations
Mechanisms of Pulsed-Laser Ablation, Damage, and Failure in Various Classes of Materials
Multichannel Air-Guiding Fibers to Transport Extreme Lasers and Enable High-Flux Particle Accelerators
Next-Generation Films for High-Performance Optoelectronics Applications
Optimizing High Harmonic Generation in Ionized Plasma for Seeding of X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers
Photonic Processors for High-Fidelity Diagnostics
Picosecond Laser Interactions with Materials: Mechanisms, Material Lifetime, and Performance Optimization
Real-Time Adaptive X-Ray Optics
Revisiting Phase-Locking Laser Diode Arrays
Short-Wavelength, High-Power Fiber Laser Sources
Single-Shot Optical Recorder with Picosecond Resolution and Nanosecond Record Length
Thermal Management of High-Heat-Flux Laser Diodes Using Liquid–Vapor Phase Change
Ultrahigh Brightness Quantum-Controlled Electron Beams
Understanding the Creation and Reduction of Surface Microscale Roughness During Processing of Glass Optics
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science and Technology
Answering Fundamental Physics Questions with the Neutrino
Capture Cross Sections for Isotopes Far from Stability
Development of a Fission-Proxy Method for Measuring 14-MeV Neutron Fission Yields
Helium Age-Dating of Fuel-Cycle Materials for Nuclear Forensics
Improving Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Next-Generation Nuclear Forensics
Inferring Nuclear Fireball Properties from Experimental Data
Measurement of Uranium Decay Rates to Advance Nuclear Forensics Chronology
Neutrino Science with a Kiloton-Scale Water Detector
New Physics from Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider
Nuclear Fission in a Plasma
Nucleosynthesis for Science and Security
Radon Collection for Electric Dipole Measurements
The New Frontier of Nuclear Science: Nuclear Reactions and Radiochemistry at the National Ignition Facility
Tracking Water through the Critical Zone to Assess Drought Vulnerability
Using Short-Lived Cosmogenic Isotopes to Determine the Age of Underground Tunnels
Wetlands as a Source of Atmospheric Methane: A Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Approach
Stockpile Stewardship Science
A Dense-Plasma Focus Device as a Compact Neutron Source
Advanced Double-Shell Target Designs for Inertial Fusion Energy
Application of Imposed Magnetic Fields to Ignition and Thermonuclear Burn at the National Ignition Facility
Application-Driven Research into Multiscale Modeling of Laser–Plasma Interactions
Chemical Amplifiers for Radiation Detection
Controlling Detonative Phenomena with High-Explosives Material Architecture
Deformation Mechanisms in Body-Centered Cubic Metals at High Pressures and Strain Rates
Prebiotic Self-Assembly Reactions in Astrophysical Icy Materials
Precision Gamma-Ray Signatures for Long-Lived Radioactive Nuclei
Self-Consistent, Three-Dimensional Calculations of Electromagnetic Pulse Propagation
Single-Shock Platform for Activation Studies with a Prompt Source of Fast Neutrons
Time-Dependent Measurement of Carbon Condensation and Void Collapse in Detonating High Explosives
Transport and the Equation of State for Asymmetric Plasma Mixtures
Science and Technology on a Mission
About Laboratory Directed Research and Development
About Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
About the FY2015 Laboratory Directed Research and Development Annual Report
Awards and Recognition
Highlights of Accomplishments for the Fiscal Year
Program Metrics
Program Mission
Program Review by DOE/NNSA Program Managers
Program Structure
Strategic Context for the FY15 Portfolio
Strategic Partnerships and Technology Transfer
Structure of the FY15 Portfolio
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
A Three-Dimensional Radioisotope Battery
Accelerated Certification for Additively Manufactured Metals
Accelerated Development of Multiscale Materials
Advanced Synthesis and Characterization Techniques for Ultrahard Film Growth
Deterministic Multifunctional Materials and Manufacturing Initiative
Developing a Compact, High-Power Pulsed Generator System
Energetic Ligands for High-Power Metal Complexes
Extending Atomistic Simulation to Mesoscale in Time and Length
Freeze-Drying Aerosols: A Facile Route to Metal Particles with Nanometer-Scale Pores
From Topological Surfaces to Magnetic Collapse of f-Shell Electron Quantum Materials
High-Explosive Components Using Advanced Manufacturing Methods
Manipulating Optical and Electromagnetic Properties Through Hierarchical Metamaterials
Mesoscale-Crystal Architectures
Micro-Reflector Array for High-Speed Directed-Light-Field Projection
Microstructure Evolution During Rapid Solidification: In Situ Characterization and Mesoscale Modeling
Modeling Materials Under Strongly Driven Conditions
Multifunctional Metamaterials
New Candidate Booster and Detonator Materials
Optimal Fabrication Methodologies for Additive Manufacturing
Physics of Laser-Assisted Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Quantum Monte Carlo Benchmarks for Materials on Demand
Rapid Synthesis, Functionalization, and Assembly of Nanometer-Scale Particles for Designer Materials
Rational Design and Optimization of Additively Manufactured Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Composites
Real-Time Adaptive X-Ray Optics
Spin-Based Broadband Terahertz Radiation from Topological Insulators
Strength and Phase Transformation Kinetics Under Dynamic Compression
Structural Freestanding Films with Atomic-Scale Thickness
Ternary Alloy Development for Enhanced Safety and Performance of Fusion Systems
Theoretical and Computational Studies of Rare Earth Substitutes: A Test Bed for Accelerated Materials Development
Time-Dependent Measurement of Carbon Condensation and Void Collapse in Detonating High Explosives
Ultralight Mechanical Metamaterials with Ordered Hierarchies
X-Ray Pump-and-Probe Experiments with a Free-Electron Laser
Bioscience and Bioengineering
Analysis of a Metabolically Engineered Microbial Consortium for Optimal Production of Biofuels
Biological Printing of Vasculature for Artificially Grown Tissue
Carbon Nanometer-Scale Membrane Channels
Detection of Novel Infectious Agents from Clinical Samples Through Immunoglobulin M and Toll-Like Receptor Capture
Engineering Bacterial Cell-Like Compartments as Platforms for Synthetic Biology
In Vitro Chip-Based Human Investigational Platform
Nanometer-Scale Particle Platform for Drug Delivery to the Brain
New Steady-State Viral Culturing Platform for Infectious-Disease Therapeutics
Optimizing Drug Efficacy through Pharmacogenomics-Driven Personalized Therapy
Unraveling the Burkholderia Pathogen Infection
Unraveling the Physics of Nanometer-Scale Fluidic Phenomena at the Single-Molecule Level
Wonder Bugs and the Carbon Cycle: Characterizing the Carbon Metabolism of Thaumarchaeota
Chemical and Biological Security
Cyclodextrin-Based Nanometer-Scale Scaffolds for Capture and Catalytic Degradation of Chemical Warfare Agents
Development of a Virtual Human Heart to Predict the Pharmacology of Novel Drugs
Rapid Detection and Characterization of Emerging Foreign Animal Disease Pathogens
Cyber Security, Space, and Intelligence
Advanced Forensic Proteomic Analysis Methods
Advanced Manufacturing Approaches for Long-Wave Diffraction Gratings
All-Source Data Fusion for Detecting and Monitoring Threats on a Global Scale
Cooperative Constellations: Resilient, Persistent, and Flexible Satellite Systems
Improved Sensor Performance Using Innovative Algorithms
Integrated Physics-Based Noise Modeling of Qubit Devices
Radio-Frequency Noise in Superconducting Devices
Scalable, Revealing Factorizations of Directed Graphs and Hypergraphs
Superluminal Radiating System
Energy and Climate Security
Decomposition Methods for Power Grid Optimization
Detecting and Partitioning Carbon Dioxide Fluxes
Dynamic Stimulation of Geologic Resources
Enabling Multiscale Simulations of Atmospheric Flow over Complex Terrain in Earth System Models
Enzyme-Embedded, Microstructural Reactors for Industrial Biocatalysis
Increasing Capacity of Flow-Through Electrode Capacitive Desalination with Phased Charging
Large-Scale Integrated Electric-Transmission and Distribution-Grid Dynamic Simulation
Reactive Materials for Hydraulic Fracturing
Real-Time Microseismic Processing for Induced Seismicity Hazard Detection
Selecting Better Models for Climate Change Detection and Attribution
Statistical and Dynamical Approaches to Probabilistic Decadal Climate Prediction
Testing Hypotheses of the Little Ice Age and Holocene Climate Change
High-Energy-Density Science
Advanced Fusion Target-Capsule Concepts
Collisionless Shock Formation in Laser-Generated Plasma Streams
Coupling Monte Carlo Neutral and Fluid Plasma Models for Edge Simulation in Magnetic Fusion
Creation and Study of Ultrahigh-Energy-Density Matter Using Nanometer-Scale Structured Targets
Generation and Characterization of Matter at Extreme Gigabar Pressures
Hydrogen Diffusion in Earth's Upper Mantle
Melting and Solidification in Multicomponent Materials: Constraints on the Search for Habitable Planets
Particle Acceleration from Laser-Driven Collisionless Shocks
Physical States and Processes in Inertial Confinement Fusion: Matter at Extreme Energy Density
Plasma Interactions with Mixed Materials and Impurity Transport
Quantum Simulations for Strongly Correlated Materials with High Atomic Numbers
X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Science for High-Energy-Density Experiments
High-Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
A Coupled Seismic and Acoustic Simulation Capability
A Hybrid Content- and Concept-Based Approach to Large-Scale Video Analytics
Acceleration of Ptychographic Microscopy Reconstruction
Advanced Discretization Techniques for Paraxial Laser Propagation
Algorithm for First-Principles Molecular Dynamics of Metals at Extreme Scales
An Open Framework to Explore Node-Level Programming Models for Exascale Architectures
Atmospheric Source Reconstruction with Uncertainty Quantification
Computation Power at Scale
Coupled Segmentation of Industrial Computed Tomographic Images
Data-Centric Computing Architecture
Exploiting the Gemini Planet Imager: Revolutionary Exoplanet Science and Advanced Adaptive Optics
Failure Recovery Abstractions for Large-Scale Parallel Applications
Fast Running Codes via High-Fidelity Reduced-Order Models
Illuminating the Dark Universe with the Sequoia Supercomputer
Integrated Mesoscale Approach for Predicting Ionic Conductivity in Solid Electrolytes
Measuring Dark Energy with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
New Computational Methods for Scalable Genome Variation Discovery
Numerical Performance and Parallel Scalability of Multi-Rate Integrators Based on Discrete-Event Simulation
Parallel Time Integration for High-Performance Computing
Planetary-Scale Agent Simulations
Predictive Models Based on Disjointed Feature Sets for Applications in Biomedicine and Cyber Security
Scalable High-Order Computational Multiphysics at Extreme Scale
Simulation of Engineering Fracture and Fragmentation
Task Mapping on Complex Computer Network Topologies for Improved Performance
The Livermore Brain: Massive Deep-Learning Networks Enabled by High-Performance Computing
Unified Description of Quantum Many-Body Systems
Validating Large Fluid-Dynamics Simulations of Complex Geometries with Three-Dimensional Printing
Inertial Fusion Science and Technology
Chemically Stable and Optically Transparent Vapor-Deposited Plastics
High-Temperature Plasma-Chemistry Kinetics Test Bed
Liquid Condensation and Solidification Behavior of Hydrogen Isotopes in Foams
Next-Generation Process for Tritium Recovery from Fusion Power Plant Blankets
Nonlinear Spectroscopy Study of Fuel Layer Uniformity in Inertial Confinement Fusion Targets
Transient Loading Effects on Structural Materials for Laser Inertial Fusion Energy
Lasers and Optical Science and Technology
A Compact, Femtosecond Hard X-Ray Source for Materials Characterization and High-Energy-Density Science
Compton-Scattering X-Ray Generation from Compact X-Band Accelerators
Feasibility of Conductive Cooling for New High-Repetition-Rate Laser Systems
Giga-Shot Optical Laser Demonstrator
High-Average-Power Diffraction Pulse-Compression Gratings Enabling Next-Generation Ultrafast Laser Systems
Highly Sensitive Electro-Optic Modulators
Laser–Matter Coupling Mechanisms Under Varying Chemical and Particulate Surface Configurations
Multichannel Air-Guiding Fibers to Transport Extreme Lasers and Enable High-Flux Particle Accelerators
Next-Generation Films for High-Performance Optoelectronics Applications
Optimizing High Harmonic Generation in Ionized Plasma for Seeding of X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers
Photonic Processors for High-Fidelity Diagnostics
Picosecond Laser Interactions with Materials: Mechanisms, Material Lifetime, and Performance Optimization
Revisiting Phase-Locking Laser Diode Arrays
Short-Wavelength, High-Power Fiber Laser Sources
Single-Shot Optical Recorder with Picosecond Resolution and Nanosecond Record Length
Thermal Management of High-Heat-Flux Laser Diodes Using Liquid–Vapor Phase Change
Understanding the Creation and Reduction of Surface Microscale Roughness During Processing of Glass Optics
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science and Technology
Answering Fundamental Physics Questions with the Neutrino
Capture Cross Sections for Isotopes Far from Stability
Complex Electronic Structure of Rare Earth Activators in Scintillators
Hard X-Ray Mirrors for Nuclear Security
Improving Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Next-Generation Nuclear Forensics
Neutrino Science with a Kiloton-Scale Water Detector
Neutron Star Science with the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array
New Physics from Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider
Nuclear Fission in a Plasma
Radiochemical Measurements of Nuclear Reactions at the National Ignition Facility
Solving the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly
The World's Lowest Nuclear State in Thorium-299m
Tracking Water through the Critical Zone to Assess Drought Vulnerability
Wetlands as a Source of Atmospheric Methane: A Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Approach
Why Is Nuclear Matter So Red?
Stockpile Stewardship Science
A Dense-Plasma Focus Device as a Compact Neutron Source
Advanced Double-Shell Target Designs for Inertial Fusion Energy
Application of Imposed Magnetic Fields to Ignition and Thermonuclear Burn at the National Ignition Facility
Application-Driven Research into Multiscale Modeling of Laser–Plasma Interactions
Multiframe, Single Line-of-Sight X-Ray Imager for Burning Plasmas
Precision Gamma-Ray Signatures for Long-Lived Radioactive Nuclei
Self-Consistent, Three-Dimensional Calculations of Electromagnetic Pulse Propagation
Single-Shock Platform for Activation Studies with a Prompt Source of Fast Neutrons
Transport and the Equation of State for Asymmetric Plasma Mixtures
See All