Daniel Tortorelli
Executive Summary
We are developing an automated design optimization system for use in additive manufacturing. This system will include complex, multiphysics simulations to predict material properties, replacing trial-and-error methods with a framework that allows for fast, reliable designs that have been optimized for multiple properties in order to support stockpile stewardship and other national security missions.
Publications and Presentations
Arrighi, B., et al. 2018. "Three-Dimensional Multiscale Design Using Neural Net Surrogate Models of Lattice Material Response." IUTAM Symposium on Architected Material Mechanics. Chicago, IL, Sept. 2018. LLNL-ABS-751177.
Brust, J. J., R. F. Marcia, and C. G. Petra. 2018. "Large-Scale Quasi-Newton Trust-Region Methods with Low Dimensional Linear Equality Constraints." Computational Optimization and Applications (forthcoming). LLNL-JRNL-755231.
Choi, Y. 2018. "ST-GNAT and SNS: Model Order Reduction Techniques for Time-Dependent Nonlinear System of Equations." Applied Mathematics Seminar, Berkeley, CA, Sept. 2018. LLNL-PRES-758124.
Choi, Y. and B. Arrighi. 2018. "Space–Time Reduced Order Model for Dynamical Systems." Data Science Workshop, Livermore, CA, Aug. 2018. LLNL-POST-753977.
Choi, Y. and K. Carlberg. 2018. "Space–Time Least-Squares Petrov–Galerkin Projection in Nonlinear Model Reduction." PDE and Applied Mathematics Seminar, Davis, CA, Oct. 2017. LLNL-PRES-728809.
Choi, Y., D. Amsallem, and C. Farhat. 2018. "Gradient-Based Constrained Optimization Using a Database of Linear Reduced-Order Models." Design Optimization Symposium, Livermore, CA, Sept. 2017. LLNL-PRES-738794.
Choi, Y. et al. 2018. "Reduced Representation for Accelerating Stress-Constrained Topology Optimization." 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, New York City, NY, July 2018. LLNL-PRES-754819.
Dalklinta, A., M. Wallin, and D. A. Tortorelli, 2018. "Eigenfrequency Optimization of Non-Linear Hyperelastic Structures." IUTAM Symposium, Dalian, China, Oct. 2018. LLNL-ABS-752247.
Fernandez, F. and D. A. Tortorelli. 2018. "Topology Optimization of Structures in Contact." 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 2018. LLNL-ABS-749018.
Fernandez, F. and D. A. Tortorelli. 2018. "Semi-Analytical Sensitivity Analysis for Nonlinear Transient Problems." Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (forthcoming). LLNL-JRNL-746929.
Ivarsson, N., M. Wallin, and D. A. Tortorelli. 2018. "Topology Optimization of Finite Strain Viscoplastic Systems Under Transient Loads." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 114. 1351–1367. LLNL-JRNL-739019.
Ivarsson, N., M. Wallin, and D. A. Tortorelli. 2018. "Topology Optimization of Non-Linear Periodic Microstructures with Viscoplastic Material Properties." 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, New York, NY, July 2018. LLNL-ABS-743930.
Ivarsson, N., M. Wallin, and D. A. Tortorelli. 2018. "Topology Optimization for Designing Periodic Microstructures Based on Finite Strain Visco-Plasticity." IUTAM Symposium, Dalian, China, Oct. 2018. LLNL-ABS-752248.
Lian, H., et al. 2017. "Combined Shape and Topology Optimization for Minimization of Maximal von Mises Stress." Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 55. 1541–1557. LLNL-JRNL-708997.
Petra, C. G. 2018. "A Memory-Distributed Quasi-Newton Solver for Nonlinear Programming Problems with a Small Number of General Constraints." Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (forthcoming). LLNL-JRNL-739001.
Petra, C. G., N. Chiang, and M. Anitescu. 2018. "A Structured Quasi-Newton Algorithm for Optimizing with Incomplete Hessian Information." SIAM Journal on Optimization (forthcoming). LLNL-JRNL-745068.
Salazar de Troya, M. A. and D. A. Tortorelli. 2018. "Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Stress-Constrained Topology Optimization." Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (forthcoming). LLNL-JRNL-748566.
Salazar de Troya, M. A. and D. A. Tortorelli. 2018. "Immersed Component-Driven Shape Optimization with Adaptive Mesh Refinement." 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 2018. LLNL-ABS-747832.
Salazar de Troya, M. A. and D. A. Tortorelli. 2018. "Truss Lattice Design Under Dynamic Loads with Adaptive Time Stepping." 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 2018. LLNL-ABS-747833.
Tortorelli, D. A. 2018. "Computational Design Automation." Mechanical Engineering Seminar, Storrs, CT, Nov. 3, 2017. LLNL-PRES-740641.
Tortorelli, D. A., M. Wallin, and N. Ivarsson. 2018. "Non-Linear Topology Optimization Including Buckling Constraints." The Asian Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Dalian, China, (May 21–24, 2018). LLNL-PRES-752501.
Wallin, M., N. Ivarsson, and D. A. Tortorelli. 2018. "Nonlinear Buckling and Topology Optimization." 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, New York, NY, July 2018. LLNL-ABS-743602.
Wallin, M., et al. 2018. "Topology Optimization of Non-Linear Structures." IUTAM Symposium, Dalian, China, Oct. 2018. LLNL-ABS-752617.
Watts, S. E. and D. A. Tortorelli. 2018. "Overview of Design Optimization at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)." Sandia 2018 Topology Optimization Roundtable. Washington, DC. Feb. 2018. LLNL-ABS-744936.
White, D. A., M. L. Stowell, and D. A. Tortorelli. 2018. "Topology Optimization in Fourier Space." Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (forthcoming). LLNL-JRNL-736779.
White, D. A., et al. 2018. "Two-Scale Topology Optimization Using Neural Network Surrogate Models." 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 2018. LLNL-PRES-758003.
Wong, J. J., et al. 2018. "GPU Acceleration of Topology Optimization Methods." 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, New York City, NY, July 2018. LLNL-PRES-755030.