Nathaniel Bowden | 20-SI-003
Executive Summary
We are developing technologies that will enable direct, non-intrusive monitoring of any nuclear reactor via detection of reactor antineutrinos. This technology will help to enable the safe roll out of nuclear energy to nations across the globe while also advancing the frontiers of nuclear and high-energy physics.
Publications, Presentations, and Patents
Bowden, N., et al. 2020. "ROADSTR: a Mobile Antineutrino Detector Platform for enabling Multi-Reactor Spectrum, Oscillation, and Application Measurements." Snowmass 2021 Community Planning Meeting. LLNL-PROC-814185
Sutanto, F. et al., 2020. "SANDD: A directional antineutrino detector with segmented 6Li-doped pulse-shape-sensitive plastic scintillator." Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (online). LLNL-ABS-802429
Zaitseva, N., et al. 2020. "Multiple dye interactions in plastic scintillators: Effects on Pulse Shape Discrimination." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2020.164455. LLNL-JRNL-807940