The New Frontier of Nuclear Science: Nuclear Reactions and Radiochemistry at the National Ignition Facility
Dawn Shaughnessy (16-SI-001)
We are studying nuclear reactions in a high-energy-density plasma environment by establishing an experimental capability at Lawrence Livermore's National Ignition Facility. >>
Answering Fundamental Physics Questions with the Neutrino
Mike Heffner | 15-ERD-014
Neutrino Science with a Kiloton-Scale Water Detector
Adam Bernstein | 15-ERD-021
Tracking Water through the Critical Zone to Assess Drought Vulnerability
Ate Visser | 15-ERD-042
New Physics from Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider
Douglas M. Wright | 15-ERD-062
Inferring Nuclear Fireball Properties from Experimental Data
Timothy Rose | 16-ERD-008
Nucleosynthesis for Science and Security
Nicholas Scielzo | 16-ERD-022
The Origins of Matter on Near-Exascale Supercomputing
Pavlos Vranas | 17-ERD-002
An Alternative Rare-Event Detector
Steven Dazeley | 17-ERD-016
Probabilistic Modeling for Nuclear Fission and Heavy-Ion Collisions
Ron Soltz | 17-ERD-022
Measurement of Uranium Decay Rates to Advance Nuclear Forensics Chronology
Tashi Parsons-Davis | 16-LW-053
Modernizing the Fission Basis
Anton Tonchev | 17-LW-020
Development of Integrated Systems for Discovering the Chemical Properties of the Heaviest Elements
John Despotopulos | 17-LW-035
Event-by-Event Determination of Antineutrino Direction
Steven Dazeley | (17-LW-044)
Using Short-Lived Cosmogenic Isotopes to Determine the Age of Underground Tunnels
Alan J. Hidy | 16-FS-008
Radon Collection for Electric Dipole Measurements
Ate Visser| 16-FS-016
Feasibility of Low-Energy Nuclear Physics Research Using LLNL Capabilities and SARAF Beams
Nicholas Scielzo | 17-FS-012
Achieving the Ultimate Sensitivity for Dark Matter Detectors
Sergey Pereverzev | 17-FS-029