Detection of Novel Infectious Agents from Clinical Samples via IgM and TLR3 Capture (13-ERD-020)
Biological Printing of Vasculature for Artificially Grown Tissue (14-ERD-005)
New Steady-State Viral Culturing Platform for Infectious-Disease Therapeutics (14-LW-077)
In Vitro Chip-Based Human Investigational Platform (14-SI-001)
Unraveling the Burkholderia Pathogen Infection (15-ERD-017)
Engineering Bacterial Cell-Like Compartments as Platforms for Synthetic Biology (15-LW-013)
Nanometer-Scale Particle Platform for Drug Delivery to the Brain (15-LW-023)
Characterizing Host–Pathogen Immunity Gut–Brain Interactions (16-ERD-007)
Modeling Tissue Membranes (16-FS-007)
Simultaneous Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Gastrointestinal System Monitoring (16-FS-013)
Hydrogen Production with Hydrogenase Enzymes Using Nanometer-Scale Lipoprotein Particles (16-FS-020)
A "Peacock" Platform for Recording Cardiac Tissue Force (16-FS-026)
Thermocavitation Biological Sample Processing for Cellular Lysis (16-FS-040)
Approaches for Calibrating Agent-Based Models to Data (16-FS-041)
Enhancing Nitrogen Uptake in Sustainable Biofuels With Microbes (16-LW-030)