Beam-Combined Pulsed Fiber Lasers
Charles Yu | 21-ERD-004
Executive Summary
We are developing a beam-combined pulsed fiber laser that will validate a pathway to kilowatt-class average power. This high-average-power device fills a void among high-repetition-rate lasers that is critical for a variety of national security applications such as long-range illumination and isotope separation.
Publications, Presentations, and Patents
Yu, C.X. et. al. 2022. “First Demonstration of Dispersion-Shifted LMA Silica Fiber in a High-Power 1.6-mm Laser.” Proc. of SPIE Vol. 11981 119810S-1.
Yu, C.X. et. al. “Raman Fiber Technology for DEW Illuminator Application.” Presented at Directed Energy Professional Society Spring S&T. April 28, 2022.