On this website, we provide information regarding each project that received funding during the fiscal year.
- For projects that concluded during the fiscal year, we include a project description and a summary of the project’s mission impact.
- For projects that are continuing into the next fiscal year, we provide a brief, high-level project overview.
- All project reports include a list of publications, presentations, and other intellectual property that resulted from the project. (Final project reports include a cumulative list of publications and presentations over the lifetime of the project.)
Every LDRD-funded project is assigned a tracking code that includes the following items:
- The fiscal year when the project started.
- The project type, using a two-letter abbreviation.
- The serial number of the project within its fiscal year.
For example, the tracking code "19-FS-001" identifies a feasibility study that began in FY19, with a serial number of 001.
Note that some project reports are withheld from publication due to classification but are available through the appropriate channels.