High-Performance Computing Simulation and Data Science

Project Highlights


Click on any of the project titles below to view a brief project summary,
or return to our Project Highlights page to view lists of FY21 projects in other research categories.

Project Title Project Code Project Type Project Status
Safe and Trustworthy Machine Learning 20-ERD-014 Exploratory Research Continuing
Scalable Multilevel Training of Large Neural Networks 19-ERD-019 Exploratory Research Final
Decentralized Autonomous Networks for Cooperative Estimation 20-SI-005 Strategic Initiative Continuing
Robust Control of Scientific Simulations with Deep Reinforcement Learning 21-SI-001 Strategic Initiative Continuing
Automated Software Integration 21-SI-005 Strategic Initiative Continuing
MADSTARE: Modeling and Analysis for Data-Starved or Ambiguous Environments 19-SI-004 Strategic Initiative Final
Reliable Linear Solvers in Unreliable Computing Environments 21-FS-007 Feasibility Study Final
The Applicability of Unit Systems to High-Performance Computing Applications 21-FS-016 Feasibility Study Final
Scalable Motif-Driven Parallel Generative Adversarial Net for Community Detection 21-FS-029 Feasibility Study Final
Using a Compressed Format for Floating-Point Data as a Data Type to Create Adaptive-Precision Compressed Arrays 21-FS-028 Feasibility Study Final
Efficient Reduced-Order Models for Multi-Physics Simulations 21-FS-042 Feasibility Study Final
Learning a Nonlinear Solver Optimized to Solve the Problem of Electron Density and Effective Atomic Number Reconstruction 21-FS-013 Feasibility Study Continuing
Machine Learning-Driven Dynamic Four-Dimensional X-Ray Computed Tomography Reconstruction 20-FS-010 Feasibility Study Final