Bey Vrancken | 18-ERD-057
Executive Summary
Our goal is to understand the causes of macro- and microcracks in additively manufactured parts that occur during the selective laser melting process by studying the relationship between the process parameters and the material properties of metal alloys. This project supports nuclear weapons stockpile stewardship missions by enabling the production of larger additively manufactured parts with improved structural integrity.
Publications, Presentations, Etc.
Stackhouse, N. 2019. "Tungsten Alloy Laser Track Cracking Analysis." Technical Report, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA. LLNL-TR-788539.
Vrancken, B. 2019. "Material Specific Responses to Residual Stress in Selective Laser Melting." Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, August 2019. LLNL-PRES-788217.
Vrancken, B., et al. 2019. "Tungsten Alloying to Reduce Cracking During Laser Powder Bed Fusion." Euromat, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2019. LLNL-PRES-788857.
––– . 2019 "In situ Observation of Crack Mitigation Effects of Alloy Additives in Tungsten." Materials Science and Technology, Portland, OR, September/October 2019. LLNL-PRES-790821.