Exploring Whether Subsurface Fluid Production can Minimize Triggered Seismicity in Geothermal Fields
Kayla Kroll | 21-FS-044
Executive Summary
This project seeks to determine the feasibility of using fluid production as an operational procedure to modulate the absolute stress level on faults and ultimately reduce the risk of inducing seismicity. If we successfully demonstrate the feasibility of this new mechanism, operators can exploit it to control induced seismicity at geothermal, carbon storage, and fluid disposal sites.
Publications, Presentations, and Patents
Kroll, K. A. Fu, P., Wu. H., Cusini, M., Funning, G., Blake, K., Sabin, A., Richards-Dinger, K. B., Ellis, C., and Nale, S. "Understanding the interaction between tectonic and anthropogenic stresses at the Coso Geothermal Field." Navy Geothermal Program Office Review Meeting. November 2021.
Kroll, K. A. Fu, P., Wu. H., Cusini, M., Funning, G., Blake, K., Sabin, A., Richards-Dinger, K. B., Ellis, C., and Nale, S. "Understanding the role of tectonic and anthropogenic stresses in controlling aftershock activity at the Coso Geothermal Field." American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. December 2021.