Large-Scale Shape Optimization with Conformal Meshes

Jorge Barrera Cruz | 22-ERD-023

Executive Summary

We will develop a robust and scalable three-dimensional shape optimization approach that accurately represents structure boundaries and internal interfaces for designs that can be readily fabricated. The resulting resolved sharp boundaries will allow design tools to accurately capture stress and interface phenomena that are important to the complex physics inherent in Laboratory missions.

Publications, Presentations, and Patents

Barrera, Jorge-Luis, Tzanio Kolev, Ketan Mittal, and Vladimir Tomov. "High-Order Mesh Morphing for Boundary and Interface Fitting to Implicit Geometries." Computer-Aided Design 158 (2023): 103499.

Ketan Mittal, “High-Order Mesh Adaptivity Techniques for Hydrodynamics and Shape Optimization Applications” (Presentation, departmental seminar in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Utah State University, Logan, UT. 2022).

Ketan Mittal, Jorge Luis Barrera, Veselin Dobrev, Patrick Knupp, Tzanio Kolev, and Vladimir Tomov, “Optimization, Adaptivity, and Surface Fitting of High-Order Meshes” (Presentation, North American High Order Methods Conference, San Diego, CA,2022).

Ketan Mittal, Veselin Dobrev, Patrick Knupp, Tzanio Kolev, and Vladimir Tomov,“Optimization, Adaptivity, and Surface Fitting of High-Order Meshes” (Conference, WCCM-APCOM, [Virtual], 2022).

Ketan Mittal, Vladimir Tomov, and Jorge Luis Barrera, “Boundary and Interface Fitting of High-Order Meshes” (Presentation, International Meshing Roundtable, [Virtual], 2022).

Ketan Mittal, Jorge Luis Barrera, Veselin Dobrev, Patrick Knupp, Tzanio Kolev, and Vladimir Tomov, “Boundary and Interface Fitting of High-Order Meshes” (Presentation, Center for Applied Scientific Computing at Lawrence Livermore National Lab, 2022).

Ketan Mittal, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Veselin Dobrev, Patrick Knupp, Tzanio Kolev, Vladimir Tomov, Jorge Luis Barrera, Mathias Schmidt, Kenny Swartz, Daniel Tortorelli, “Accelerating High-Order Mesh Optimization: Metric Linearization and Partial Assembly” (Presentation, SIAM International Meshing Roundtable, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2023).

Kenny Swartz, Ketan Mittal, Mathias Schmidt, Jorge Luis Barrera, and Daniel Tortorelli, “Yet Another Parameter Free Shape Optimization Method” (Presentation, WCSMO 14, Ireland, 2023).

Kenny Swartz, Ketan Mittal, Mathias Schmidt, Jorge Luis Barrera, Seth Watts, and Daniel Tortorelli, “Parameter-free shape optimization with adaptive mesh refinement (and other method improving techniques)” (Presentation, WCSMO15, Ireland, 2023).

Mathias Schmidt, Jorge Luis Barrera, Ketan Mittal, Kenny Swartz, and Daniel Tortorelli, “Level-Set Parameter Free Topology. Optimization with Conformal Meshes” (Presentation, WCSMO15, Ireland, 2023).

Kenny Swartz, Ketan Mittal, Mathias Schmidt, Jorge Luis Barrera, Seth Watts, and Daniel Tortorelli, “Parameter-free shape optimization method with HPC and AMR” (Presentation, USNCCM17, Albuquerque, 2023).