High-Performance Computing Simulation and Data Science

Project Highlights


Click on any of the project titles below to view a brief project summary,
or return to our Project Highlights page to view lists of FY21 projects in other research categories.

Project Title Project Code Project Type Project Status
Knowledge-Driven Machine Learning 21-ERD-012 Exploratory Research Continuing
Achieving Peak Performance of High-Performance Computing Applications by Optimizing Parallelism Compilation 21-ERD-018 Exploratory Research Continuing
Robust Control of Scientific Simulations with Deep Reinforcement Learning 21-SI-001 Strategic Initiative Continuing
Automated Software Integration 21-SI-005 Strategic Initiative Continuing
MADSTARE: Modeling and Analysis for Data-Starved or Ambiguous Environments 19-SI-004 Strategic Initiative Final
Decentralized Autonomous Networks for Cooperative Estimation 20-SI-005 Strategic Initiative Continuing
Learning a Nonlinear Solver Optimized to Solve the Problem of Electron Density and Effective Atomic Number Reconstruction 21-FS-013 Feasibility Study Continuing
Machine Learning-Driven Dynamic Four-Dimensional X-Ray Computed Tomography Reconstruction 20-FS-010 Feasibility Study Final
Reliable Linear Solvers in Unreliable Computing Environments 21-FS-007 Feasibility Study Final
The Applicability of Unit Systems to High-Performance Computing Applications 21-FS-016 Feasibility Study Final
Scalable Motif-Driven Parallel Generative Adversarial Net for Community Detection 21-FS-029 Feasibility Study Final
Using a Compressed Format for Floating-Point Data as a Data Type to Create Adaptive-Precision Compressed Arrays 21-FS-028 Feasibility Study Final
Efficient Reduced-Order Models for Multi-Physics Simulations 21-FS-042 Feasibility Study Final