Investigating the Relationship Between Microstructure and Dynamic Response Using X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers

Jon Eggert | 21-ERD-032

Executive Summary

Using high-energy, long-pulse optical laser drivers at two x-ray free electron lasers, we will develop a new generation of experiments exploring how the microstructure of materials responds at extreme pressure and temperature. The findings will help researchers better understand how weapon materials behave at these conditions, providing essential information needed in the current efforts to revitalize the nuclear stockpile.

Publications, Presentations, and Patents

Smith, R.F., V. Rastogi, A. E. Lazicki, M. G. Gorman, R. Briggs, A. L. Coleman, C. Davis, S. Singh, D. McGonegle, S. M. Clarke, T. Volz, T. Hutchinson, C. McGuire, D. E. Fratanduono, D. C. Swift, E. Folsom, C. A. Bolme, A. E. Gleason, F. Coppari, H.-J. Lee, B. Nagler, E. Cunningham, P. Heimann, R. G. Kraus, R. E. Rudd, T. S. Duffy, J. H. Eggert, J. K. Wicks,. 2022. "Development of slurry targets for high repetition-rate x-ray free electron laser experiments." J. Appl. Phys., 131, 245901,, (2022).

Wark, J.S., M.I. McMahon, J.H. Eggert, J. 2022. "Femtosecond diffraction and dynamic high pressure science." J. Appl. Phys., 132, 080902,, (2022).

Rastogi, V., R.F. Smith, D.C. Swift, R Briggs, M.G. Gorman, C. Krill, A.L. Coleman, D.E. Fratanduono, J.H. Eggert, C.A. Bolme, F. Coppari, A. Gleason, H.J. Lee, P. Heimann, T.S. Duffy, J.K. Wicks. 2022. "Femtosecond diffraction studies of the sodium chloride phase diagram under laser shock compression." 2022. ,J. Appl. Phys., 132, 085901,, (2022).

Gorman, M.G.,  S.J. Ali, P.M. Celliers, J.L. Peebles, D.J. Erskine, J.M. McNaney, J.H. Eggert, and R.F. Smith. 2022. "Measurement of shock roughness due to phase plate speckle imprinting relevant for x-ray diffraction experiments on 3rd and 4th generation light sources." J. Appl. Phys. 132, 175902, doi/10.1063/5.0117905, (2022).

Hari, A.,  R. Hari, P.G. Heighway, R.F. Smith, T.S. Duffy, M. Sims, S. Singh, D.E. Fratanduono, C.A. Bolme, A.E. Gleason, F. Coppari, H.J. Lee, E. Granados, P. Heimann, J.H. Eggert, J.K. Wicks. 2022. "High pressure phase transition and strength estimate in polycrystalline alumina during laser-driven shock compression." J. Phys.: Cond. Mat., 35, (2022).

Husband, R.J., C. Strohm, K. Appel, O.B. Ball, R. Briggs, J. Buchen, V. Cerantola, S. Chariton, A.L. Coleman, H.-c. Cynn, D. Dattelbaum, A. Dwivedi, J.H. Eggert, L. Ehm, W.J. Evans, K. Glazyrin, A.F. Goncharov, H. Graafsma, A. Howard, L. Huston, T.M. Hutchinson, H.-j. Hwang, S. Jacob, J. Kaa, J.-y. Kim, M.-s. Kim, E. Koemets, Z. Konôpková, F. Langenhorst, T. Laurus, X.-y. Li, J. Mainberger, H. Marquardt, E.E. McBride, C. McGuire, J.D. McHardy, M.I. McMahon, R.S. McWilliams, A.S.J. Méndez, A. Mondal, G. Morard, E.F. O'Bannon, C. Otzen, C.M. Pépin, V.B. Prakapenka, C. Prescher, T.R. Preston, R. Redmer, M. Roeper, C. Sanchez-Valle, D. Smith, R.F. Smith, D. Sneed, S. Speziale, T. Spitzbart, S. Stern, B.T. Sturtevant, J. Sztuk-Dambietz, P. Talkovski, N. Velisavljevic, C. Vennari, Z.-y. Wu, C.-S. Yoo, U. Zastrau, Z. Jenei, H.-P. Liermann,. 2023. "A MHz X-ray diffraction set-up for dynamic compression experiments in the diamond anvil cell." J. Synch. Rad., 30, 671, (2023).

Ball, O.B.,C. Prescher, K. Appel, C. Baehtz, M.A. Baron, R. Briggs, V. Cerantola, J. Chantel, S. Chariton, A.L. Coleman, H. Cynn, H. Damker, D. Dattelbaum, L.E. Dresselhaus-Marais, J.H. Eggert, L. Ehm, W.J. Evans, G. Fiquet, M. Frost, K. Glazyrin, A.F. Goncharov, R.J. Husband, H Hwang, N Jaisle, Zs Jenei, J-Y Kim, Y Lee, HP Liermann, J Mainberger, Mikako Makita, H Marquardt, E.E. McBride, J.D. McHardy, M.I. McMahon, S. Merkel, G. Morard, E.F. O’bannon, C. Otzen, E.J. Pace, A. Pelka, C.M. Pépin, J.S. Pigott, C. Plückthun, V.B. Prakapenka, R. Redmer, S. Speziale, G. Spiekermann, C. Strohm, B.T. Sturtevant, P. Talkovski, L. Wollenweber, U. Zastrau, R.S. McWilliams, Z. Konôpková. 2023. "Dynamic optical spectroscopy and pyrometry of static targets under optical and x-ray laser heating at the European XFEL." J. Appl. Phys., 134, 055901, (2023).

Holstad, T.S., L.E. Dresselhaus-Marais, T.M. Ræder, B. Kozioziemski, T. van Driel, M. Seaberg, E. Folsom, J.H. Eggert, E.B. Knudsen, M.M. Nielsen, H. Simons, K. Haldrup, H.F. Poulsen. 2023. "Real-time imaging of acoustic waves in bulk materials with X-ray microscopy." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 120, e2307049120, (2023).