Additively Manufactured Neodymium-Doped Strontium-Fluoride Ceramic Gain Medium
Thomas Rudzik | 22-ERD-021
Executive Summary
We will develop a neodymium-doped strontium-fluoride ceramic laser gain medium that can be incorporated into next-generation laser facilities. This material is expected to increase energy storage, tolerable intensity, and maximum shot rate, as compared to currently available neodymium-doped glass gain elements, potentially doubling the energy/beamline, thereby supporting efforts to achieve fusion ignition.
Publications, Presentations, and Patents
Rudzik, Thomas J., Zachary M. Seeley, Nerine J. Cherepy, and Stephen A. Payne. "Single-step fabrication of transparent SrF2 ceramics for optical applications." In Laser Technology for Defense and Security XVIII, vol. 12515, pp. 65-71. SPIE, 2023.
Thomas J. Rudzik, “Single-step fabrication of transparent SrF2 ceramics for optical applications” (Presentation, SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing 2023 Conference, Orlando, FL, May 04, 2023).
Thomas J. Rudzik, “Development of transparent SrF2 ceramics for laser gain applications” (Presentation, ICACC 2023 Conference, Daytona, FL, January 26, 2023).