Volumetric Additive Manufacturing of Gradient Composition Glass
Rebecca Walton | 23-ERD-037
Executive Summary
To facilitate stable and flexible production of custom micro-optics we will develop methods to three-dimensional print gradient composition glass by Volumetric Additive Manufacturing. This capability will advance micro-optic design by allowing for on-the-fly design of optics of custom size and refractive index and provide an in-house source of glass micro-optic components.
Publications, Presentations, and Patents
Rebecca L. Walton, Dominique Porcincula, Martin de Beer, Megan Ellis, Jungmin Ha, Luke Myers, Timothy Yee, Johanna Schwartz, Alyssa Troksa, Koroush Sasan, Nikola Dudukovic, Du Nguyen, and Rebecca Dyll-Spears,“Towards robust UV-active 3D printing of glass: layer-based and layerless approaches” (Presentation, ACerS Glass and Optical Materials Division 2023 Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2023).
Dominique Porcincula,“Volumetric Additive Manufacturing of Silica Glass,” (Presentation, Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, TX, 2023).