Understanding Subsurface Behavior and Defect Formation During Laser Material Interactions Via Coupled In Situ X-Ray and Optical Probes
Nicholas Calta | 21-ERD-008
Executive Summary
This project will use in situ x-ray experiments paired with optical monitoring to improve our understanding of subsurface materials behavior during laser materials processing techniques. This understanding will improve these techniques and enable rapid, science-based qualification of parts produced by laser materials processing, solving important challenges for both stockpile stewardship and American industrial competitiveness.
Publications, Presentations, and Patents
Martin, Aiden. 2021. “Revealing Laser-Metal Interaction Dynamics During Additive Manufacturing Using High-Speed X-Ray Imaging.” Presented at the Denver X-ray Conference, virtual conference, 2-6 August 2021. LLNL-PRES-824055.