Thulium-Doped Yttrium Lithium Fluoride High-Energy Laser Demonstrator

Thomas Spinka | 19-DR-009

Executive Summary

Using newly available technologies, we will develop and demonstrate a revolutionary high-energy laser architecture meant as an alternative to the architecture currently used at the National Ignition Facility. The new 1.9-micrometer laser wavelength and order-of-magnitude improvements in material properties will facilitate major cost and footprint advantages over conventional technology and enable new applications across the national security mission space.

Publications, Presentations, and Patents

Reagan, Brendan A., Thomas Galvin, Issa Tamer, Emily Sistrunk, Thomas Spinka, and Craig W. Siders. 2021. “Solid State 2 μm Laser Drivers for EUV Lithography,” In Photon Sources for Lithography and Metrology, edited by Vivek Bakshi, in press.

Spinka, T., “Scalable High-Power Lasers for Particle Acceleration,” Adv. Accel. Concepts 2020, WG8, WG8-03, online, February 2021.

Tamer, Issa, Brendan Reagan, Thomas Galvin, Justin Galbraith, Emily Frances Link, Andrew Church, Glenn Huete, Hansel Neurath, and Thomas Spinka. 2021. “Demonstration of a compact, multi-joule, diode-pumped Tm:YLF laser,” Optics Letters, accepted.