Deciphering Fingerprints of Stellar Nucleosynthesis Through Nuclear Reaction Rate Measurements and Isotopic Analyses of Stardust
Brett Isselhardt | 20-ERD-030
Executive Summary
We will measure isotopic compositions of multiple elements in a large collection of stardust grains to determine stellar nucleosynthesis signatures and will measure an essential neutron capture cross section needed to determine the stellar conditions under which these elements are formed. This unique combined approach will fill important gaps in our understanding of the environments in which elements are produced and enhance capabilities relevant to national missions in nuclear threat reduction.
Publications, Presentations, and Patents
Lugaro, Maria, Borbála Cseh, Blanka Világos, Amanda I. Karakas, Paolo Ventura, Flavia Dell’Agli, Reto Trappitsch et al. "Origin of large meteoritic SiC stardust grains in metal-rich AGB stars," The Astrophysical Journal 898, no. 2 (2020): 96.
W.J. Ong, “Probing the origins of the elements with relict stardust.” Invited plenary talk, Low Energy Community meeting, 8/11/21.
R. Trappitsch, “Understanding stellar nucleosynthesis, its sites, and galactic chemical evolution by analyzing stardust grains.” invited colloquium, MSU, Joint Institute of Nuclear Astrophysics, 2/10/20.
R. Trappitsch, “Hands-on Astrophysics – Using Stardust Grain Analysis to Further our Understanding of Stellar Nucleosynthesis and Galactic Chemical Evolution.” Physics Colloquium, Brandeis University, 10/13/20.
R. Trappitsch, “New Opportunities with Stardust.” Invited, JINA Horizons Meeting, online, 12/18/20.
R. Trappitsch, "Simultaneous Analyses of Titanium and Molybdenum Isotopic Composition in Presolar SiC Grains." Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Chicago, IL, 8/17/21, LLNL-PRES-825885.
J.E. Escher, “Advancing Nuclear Reaction Descriptions for Astrophysics and Applications.” Louisiana State University, Colloquium, 11/19/20.